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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Effects of language on initial reading: Direct and indirect …

Abt’s Kerry Hofer contributed to the analyses of the interrelationships among language abilities, …
White Paper

Thinking and Working Politically in Large, Complex Aid Programs

This brief and its annexes summarize how Abt Global is testing and applying a ”thinking and working …
White Paper

Supporting Decentralisation and Participation in PNG – Briefing Note 1

The Decentralisation and Citizen Participation Partnership (DCPP) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a …
White Paper

Supporting Decentralisation and Participation in PNG – Briefing Note 2

The Decentralisation and Citizen Participation Partnership’s (DCPP) emerging Theory of Change (ToC) …

Oregon LS/CMI Assessment Final Report

The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission selected Abt to study the Level of Service/Case Management …

Evaluation of the Accountable Care Organization Investment Model: AIM …

This report for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) presents evaluative findings …

Understanding Homeless Service Providers’ Needs in Los Angeles

Over the past decade, stakeholders across Los Angeles County have come together to develop and scale …

Remote sensing estimation of surface oil volume during the 2010 …

The Deepwater Horizon oil blowout in the Gulf of Mexico led to the largest offshore oil spill in …

The Effects of Marine Debris on Beach Recreation and Regional …

To better understand the relationship between coastal tourism economies and marine debris, Abt …

Homeless Encampments: Local Responses to a National Prob …

Lauren Dunton
Lauren Dunton
Principal Associate