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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Don't Cost the Policy, Cost the Implementation Plan: Experiences in …

In a competitive funding environment with limited resources, USAID’s Health Systems 20/20 project …

Program Structure and Size Drive Efficiency: Using Community-Based …

In Mozambique, which has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world at 14%, a costing and …

Assessing and Planning for Human Resources for Health Toward More …

With the decline in donor HIV funding and shortage of health providers in developing countries, …

Supporting Clinical Care Teams (CCTs) to Improve Quality of ART …

Shampande Clinic situated in Choma district of the Southern Province of Zambia has three Clinical …

Health System Assessments of the Sustainability of the HIV Response in …

The Caribbean region has the second-highest HIV prevalence rate in the world. Most governments in …

Harmonizing Resource Tracking and Sustainability Planning to …

The purpose of this work was to explore, understand, and articulate the benefits, challenges, and …

Leveraging the Private Health Sector in the Context of Diminishing …

In light of increasing demand for HIV/AIDS services and finite external and domestic funding, the …

Clinical Care Specialists: A Model for Integrated Service Delivery and …

A CCS is a physician appointed to the Provincial Health Office to help improve and expand HIV/AIDS …

Geospatial Mapping of Quality Measures of HIV Services in Nigeria: …

The rapid expansion of HIV services in Nigeria requires mapping of services by facility to improve …

Trends in HIV Prevalence among High-Risk Women Counseled and Tested at …

The USAID Private Health Sector Program ([PHSP] 2009 – 2014) is a follow-on to the five-year Private …

Opioid Substitution Treatment and HIV Prevention in Prison: Experience …

Kyrgyzstan is situated along one of the world's largest heroin trafficking routes, and has a …

Maximizing Private Sector Contributions to HIV/AIDS in Eastern …

The Caribbean region has the second highest HIV/AIDS prevalence in the world. Despite steadily …