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Abt is Top Private Firm in Gender Equality Report

Rockville, Md. –  Abt Global is honored to be recognized as one of 33 Very High Performers in the 2024 Global Health 50/50 report, released in July. We were the only for-profit organization in the top category of this annual report, which analyzes gender equality and diversity in global health leadership across 201 organizations. 

The Global Health 50/50 Index rates organizations operational in at least three countries that aim to promote health and/or influence global health agendas and policies. The index measures performance against 10 variables, including public commitment to gender equality, workplace gender equality policy, diversity and inclusion policies, gender parity in senior management, and policy on reporting programmatic data disaggregated by sex. 

Abt was one of 53 for-profit companies evaluated and the only one to achieve the highest ranking. Others in the top category include several of our partners and collaborators, including the U.S. Agency for International Development; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; Scaling Up Nutrition; the Stop TB Partnership; and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.

“We hope that Abt Global's efforts to advance equality and diversity inspire others,” Global Health 50/50 Co-CEOs Professors Sarah Hawkes and Kent Buse said in a statement. “We look to them to continue to push this hard-won progress forward for the people working in global health and around the world."

Equity is the cornerstone of Abt’s work, and gender equality, diversity and social inclusion (GEDSI) is woven into our internal DNA and our services to clients. Our global health work includes pivotal research and locally led program management in the U.S. and across 60 countries. We are a signatory to the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, and in November 2023, our board adopted a commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA), recognizing the importance of embodying EDIA approaches to their own work.

“Abt Global is committed to ensuring that women have equal opportunities for success both inside our company and wherever they face discrimination,” said President and CEO Kathleen Flanagan, who joined Abt 40 years ago as a junior analyst. “Our scores in the just-released Global Health 50/50 2024 report demonstrate our continued efforts in this area.”

The University College London Centre for Gender and Global Health launched the Global Health 50/50 initiative in 2018 to advance accountability and action for gender equality in global health. The 201 organizations rated in the study include bilateral and multilateral development institutions, philanthropic organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. 

Read the report here:


Stan Crock 

About Abt Global   
Abt Global is a mission-driven consulting and research firm. Founded by Clark Abt almost 60 years ago, Abt has tackled society’s toughest problems, pioneering evidence and innovation that improves policy, systems, and lives. We partner with clients and communities in 50+ countries to advance solutions in health, technology, environment, economic growth, governance, and more. Our staff worldwide work to equip people with the tools, resources, and expertise they need to realize equitable futures, build resilient systems, and create sustainable economic opportunities for healthy, secure lives.  

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