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The 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29)

Abt joined governments, the private sector, and civil society at the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in November to accelerate climate action. This year, dubbed the “Finance COP,” conversations centered around the urgent need to accelerate the scale and pace of climate finance and translate commitments into action.

Abt leverages our climate expertise to help countries around the world develop ambitious climate targets and effective policy planning. Working across sectors and from policy to project implementation, we engage development finance institutions, multilateral donors, and the private sector to reduce climate risk, crowd in financing, and ensure climate solutions are both fundable and impactful. 

Our experts convened and participated in sessions and events across the Blue and Green Zones focused on climate policy and implementation, climate and health, private sector engagement, clean energy, climate-smart agriculture, and more. 

Find our session recordings below.

Meet our Experts:

Ally Lynch
Climate Change Integration Specialist

Presentations and Sessions



Friday, November 15, 1:00 – 2:30pm (GMT +4) | Food and Agriculture Pavilion 
Mainstreaming Extension System Reforms for Achieving Climate Resilient Food Systems  
Abt Speaker:Molly Hellmuth, USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) Project Director, Abt Global  
Confirmed Speakers:

  • Sino Tohirzoda, NDC Partnership In-Country Facilitator, Tajikistan (Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan)
  • Aadith Moorthy, Chief Executive Officer, Boomitra, USA and India  



Saturday, November 16 | 10:30 - 11:30AM (GMT + 4) | Resilience Hub   
Seeding Enterprise: Enabling Environment for Private Sector Action on Climate Resilience  
Abt Speaker: John Heermans, USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) Deputy Project Director, Abt Global  
Confirmed Speakers:

  • Jesper Hornberg, CEO, Global Resilience Partnership; David Potter, ICIMOD
  • Shuchi Vora, Head of Learning, Global Resilience Partnership 



Monday, November 18, 10:15-11:00am (GMT +4) | U.S. Center
From Glasgow to Baku: Making Progress on Climate Responsive Health
Abt Speaker: Molly Hellmuth, USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) Project Director, Abt Global
Confirmed Speakers:

  • Sarah Boateng, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
  • Lindsey Doyle, Director for PREPARE, USAID
  • John Balbus, Director of Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, Department of Health and Human Services 

Monday, November 18, 3:30pm -5:00pm (GMT +4) | Africa Pavilion  
Accelerating the Implementation of AU Climate Strategy: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) in Africa   
Abt Speaker: Molly Hellmuth, USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) Project Director, Abt Global  
Confirmed Speakers:

  • Jihane El Gahouzi, Head of Climate Division, SEBE, AUC
  • Country representatives from Ghana, Zambia and Guinea 

Tuesday, November 19, 3:00-4:30 (GMT + 4) | Side Event Room 4  
Showcasing Subnational and Private Sector Solutions to Achieve Equity, Efficiency and Clean Energy Goals  
Abt Speaker: Olga Faktorovich Allen, Sr. Director Climate Integration and Sustainability



Tuesday, November 19, 3:30-4:30pm (GMT + 4) | NDC Partnership Pavilion  
Ambition into Reality: Lessons on Delivering on Climate Action  
Abt Speaker: John Heermans, USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) Deputy Project Director, Abt Global  
Confirmed Speakers:

  • Pablo Vieiria, Global Director, NDC Partnership
  • Gillian Caldwell, Chief Climate Officer, USAID
  • Omar Alcock, Director, Climate Change Division, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Jamaica

Wednesday, November 20, 1:15-2:45pm (GMT + 4) | Side Event Room 4  
Think Global, Act Local: Reducing Food Loss and Waste for Climate Change Adaptation for Security in the Global South  
Abt Speaker: John Heermans, USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI) Deputy Project Director, Abt Global

Additional Resources

Spotlight On: Climate Finance

Abt Global can help public-and private-sector actors take decisive action to finance climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Learn More
Spotlight On

USAID Catalytic Action through Localized Policy Solutions (CATALYST)

USAID CATALYST is a global program that helps countries build policy and institutional frameworks that enable greater investment in sustainability and resilience across sectors.

Learn More

Environment & Energy

Effective climate action isn’t just about mitigating threats. It’s also about advancing global environmental justice, renewable energy resources, and economic opportunity to create fair, resilient, sustainable, and secure societies. Abt Global develops inclusive, evidence-based, and impactful climate solutions in partnership with governments, the private sector, and communities on the frontlines of climate change. Our multidisciplinary approach helps our clients confront climate change at the necessary speed and scale while restoring our natural world and responding to an existential threat to the planet. We also aggressively reduce greenhouse gas emissions within our own operations, supply chain, and products and services as we head toward our own net zero emission goal.

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