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Contract Vehicles

Abt Global’s mission is to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide. Our global staff works in more than 60 countries to help achieve that mission in a broad spectrum of areas, from health and housing to education and environment. Our positions on a wide variety of government contract vehicles enable us to work toward our goal. Below is a list of those vehicles followed by detailed descriptions.

Explore our contract vehicles below.

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Abt Global Contract Vehicles

  • CDC - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Toxicological Profiles BPA
  • CDC - The Safe Healthcare, Epidemiology, and Prevention Research Development (SHEPheRD) IDIQ
  • CDC – OADC Health Marketing BPA
  • CMS - Measure and Instrument Development and Support (MIDS) IDIQ
  • CMS - Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) 2 IDIQ
  • Dept of Army - Water Resources Analytical and Professional Support Services
  • DOL - Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) BPA
  • EPA - Environmental, Analytical, Research, Technical, and Hybrid (EARTH) BPA
  • EPA - Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) IDIQ
  • GSA – OASIS Pool 1
  • HRSA - Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks (ACTION) 4 IDIQ
  • HRSA - Evaluation Studies IDIQ
  • HRSA - Technical Assistance IDIQ
  • SSA - Short Term Research and Evaluation BPA
  • State of California – CalAIM PATH Technical Assistance Marketplace
  • SAMHSA - IDIQ Domains 1L, 2L, 3L, 5L
  • US Dept of Ed - The Procurement of Research Evaluation and Statistics Task Orders (PRESTO) IDIQ

Administration for Community Living (ACL)

Administration for Community Living (ACL) IDIQ - 140D0424D0013

ACL at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services supports the needs of older people and people with disabilities and seeks to improve access to their health care and long-term services. It includes:

  • Administration on Aging
    • Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services (OCSC)
    • Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs (ONHP)
    • Office of American Indian, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian Programs (OAIANNH)
    • Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services (OEJAPS)
    • Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (OLTCOP)
  • Center for Innovation and Partnership
    • Office of Interagency Innovation
    • Office of Network Advancement
    • Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling
  • Administration on Disabilities
    • Office of Intellectual Developmental Disability Programs
    • Office of Independent Living Programs
    • Office of Disability Services Innovation
  • National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
    • Office of Research Administration
    • Office of Research Sciences
  • Center for Policy Analysis and Development
    • Office of Policy Analysis and Development
    • Office of Performance and Evaluation
  • Office of External Affairs
  • Office of Regional Operations

Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Task Order (IDIQ) supports ACL in this mission, and was awarded to Abt in two functional areas across all of its offices:

  • Feasibility, Pilot, Evaluation, Policy Analysis and Program Related Projects
  • Data Analysis and Statistical Projects (includes sampling designs and statistical methods, data acquisition and development, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and quality assessment and tools)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Toxicological Profiles BPA - 75D30123A17950

The purpose of this BPA is to provide scientific, technical, and expert services for ATSDR in support of its public health mission with regard to toxicological profile activities such as, but not limited to, development of scientifically accurate Tox Profiles, Tox FAQs, Tox Guides, Interaction Profiles, Supplemental Documents, chemical evaluations and systematic evidence maps, prioritizations of hazardous substances, data visualization applications of health effect data, and chemical specific evaluation activities. Project support may include, but not be limited to, the following activities: toxicological profile preparation, coordinating with the program, literature searches, literature collection, evaluation, analysis, interpretation, dissemination, data quality control and assurance, publication/report preparation, guidance preparation (assist in development of standard operating procedures and guidance materials), prioritization of hazardous substances, systematic evidence mapping, data visualization applications of health effect data, and chemical specific evaluation activities. The contractor may be requested to analyze, interpret, and evaluate environmental, biological, chemical, radiological, and health data, selecting and using the best science, techniques, and the most appropriate standards.

Areas of expertise needed to supplement existing agency efforts may include, but not be limited to, such diverse skills and expertise in the following areas: toxicology, environmental science, chemistry, health physics, biology, epidemiology, laboratory science, veterinary science, biomonitoring, health risk communication, research, writing and editing, computer programming and database management for tox profile related data, analysis of the toxicity of mixtures, modeling (e.g., benchmark dose, PBPK, QSAR), medicine, physiology, and statistics.

The Safe Healthcare, Epidemiology, and Prevention Research Development (SHEPheRD) IDIQ - 75D30121D12704

The SHEPheRD Program is an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract that will provide the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientific, technical, and management expertise, and related services as they relate to healthcare epidemiology research.

Summary Scope of Work:

Domain 1: Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) and Other Adverse Event Prevention Research Protocol Development and Implementation

The purpose of this domain is to obtain services for successfully answering research questions posed by CDC, including study design, protocol development, database development, statistical support, background literature review, study implementation, and data management and analysis services. Each task order under this domain will provide specific instructions on what activities and deliverables will be required. The specific activities/tasks that may be conducted under this domain include:

  1. Scientific and technical support for research design and planning
  2. Protocol development and pilot testing
  3. Data system development and implementation
  4. Data modeling, management, analysis, and informatics
  5. Preparation of OMB and IRB packages as required
  6. Research design and planning

Domain 3: Formative Research, Guidance Development, and Translation to Improve Healthcare Practices

The purpose of this domain is to obtain services for evaluating, enhancing, and disseminating products that assist in improving healthcare practices and bridging the public health and healthcare divide. These services will be uniquely informed by the perspective of the product users, and as such shall include the expertise of patient advocates, healthcare professional societies, and public health experts across the healthcare system. Each task order under this domain will provide specific instructions on what activities and deliverables will be required.

The specific activities/tasks that may be conducted under this domain include:

  • Formative Research:
  • Expert Panels
  • Focus Groups
  • Research Consultation
  • Guidance Development:
  • Guidance Development
  • Guidance Evaluation
  • Research Translation and Training:
  • Fellowship Programs
  • Training Development and Feedback
  • Education Materials Development

**This Domain has been identified as one that is suitable for small businesses. As such, there is a small business set-aside (all projects < $250K) and small business subcontracting requirement for large businesses.

Health Marketing Support Services for the CDC's Office of the Associate Director for Communications BPA- HHSD2002015M88150B

This BPA provides the CDC an “as needed” mechanism to procure services to assist in the planning, development, production, and distribution of health communication strategies and materials designed as part of specific health protection, prevention, promotion, and disease and injury prevention programs, and to perform evaluation of health communication and social marketing activities.


Expertise and experience in planning, developing and implementing health communication, social marketing, health literacy (including literacy and numeracy), clear communication and plain language, media outreach, web, social media and evolving technologies, challenges/contest/competitions for public participation, marketing and formative research, and evaluation activities with a variety of audiences. This must include capabilities and experience in developing social marketing and medical education programs and capabilities and experience in advertising including account management, behavior change and art direction, and copy writers with pharmaceutical experience.

  • Task 1 – Communication Science and Program Planning
  • Task 2 – Product Development
  • Task 3 – Partnership Development and Management
  • Task 4 – Database Development/Management
  • Task 5 – Web Design, Development, Management and Usability Testing
  • Task 6 – Communication Metting and Conference Support
  • Task 7 – Technical Assistance and Training
  • Task 8 – Implementation/Dissemination
  • Task 9 – Process, Outcome and/or Impact Evaluation
  • Task 10 – Project and Account Management

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Measure and Instrument Development and Support (MIDS) IDIQ - 75FCMC18D0014

Description of Services

The purpose of the MIDS IDIQ SOW is to develop outcome, process, structural, cost, and composite quality measures suitable for endorsement by a consensus endorsement entity (CBE) and reflective of quality care across settings, including, but not limited to and do not inadvertently lead, psychiatric hospitals, ambulatory care services, physician providers, accountable care organizations, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospice programs, LTCHs, IHRs, PCHs, acute care hospitals, and ASCs. Its purpose is also to support the collection of data that could be used to trend quality related to patient care for those patients that receive services across settings, as well as other uses related to cross-setting analysis. Such quality care measures would include any aspect of care that is consistent with the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Six Aims of Care (safety, timeliness, efficiency, effectiveness, equitability and patient centeredness) and is consistent with current CMS quality priorities.

This IDIQ SOW further seeks to provide a contracting mechanism to promote the quality of care by emphasizing major strategies for improving care, as noted in the following actions:

  • Conduct business through partnerships within CMS, across other Federal and State agencies, and with other CMS contractors and with non-Governmental entities if requested;
  • Publish information for various purposes with varying audience requirements (e.g., diverse audiences that may include the general public, patients/caregivers, professionals, providers, purchasers) so as to convey both general information pertaining to quality reporting and general programmatic education, and more complex technical information pertaining to programmatic requirements, and quality measurements;
  • Promote payment adjustments and incentives that express a commitment to quality care and reward improved care outcomes and processes, and does not inadvertently lead to negative unintended consequences;
  • Promote the integration of health information technology (HIT) (includes both standards promotion and payment for HIT results) into quality measurement programs;
  • Become an active partner in developing and applying knowledge about effective health care technologies to bring innovations to care delivery more efficiently, and to monitor the effectiveness of such federally funded technologies for outcome improvement;
  • Promote cross-setting outcome measurement development;
  • Implement Health and Human Services (HHS)/CMS’s quality measurement strategic approach;
  • Optimize measure development and alignment and application at the conceptual as well as data specification level;
  • Enable program monitoring and evaluation for multiple purposes to include identifying unintended consequences; identification of measures that have “topped out” and are candidates for retirement/removal; program integrity; new gaps in quality;
  • Enable transparency through public reporting; and,
  • Reduce provider burden.

Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) 2 IDIQ - 75FCMC19D0080

Under this Research, Measurement, Assessment, Design, and Analysis (RMADA) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity 2 (IDIQ) umbrella contract, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) shall award task orders (TOs) for a wide range of analytic support and technical assistance activities that support and evaluate models and demonstration programs created or derived under the auspices of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), other non-ACA statutes, and future health reform legislation. The demands of new reforms created under ACA have redefined the way CMS approaches and conducts research activities, Model Testing, and demonstrations affecting Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and uninsured populations. The role of state and private sector payers is also being redefined, as many of the new models include multiple payers working in collaboration with CMS to reform the care delivery system. The RMADA 2 IDIQ contract shall provide CMS with a robust tool to meet these needs and opportunities. As a RMADA 2 IDIQ prime contractor, Abt will work with CMS on matters including but not limited to:

  • Supporting all aspects of model design and operations (with the exception of information technology);
  • Conducting program, data and environmental analyses
  • Assisting with application development and review
  • Monitoring model site implementations;
  • Designing and carrying out surveys and other primary data collection activities;
  • Obtaining and analyzing secondary data sources including data regarding Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and data from private payer sources needed to support model design, operations and evaluations;
  • Reporting on formative and summative analyses;
  • Providing rapid cycle evaluation feedback to CMS and/or model participants, and creating summative reports of annual and final program findings.
  • Assist in the development of program templates, tools, toolkits, and driver diagrams;
  • Support stakeholder engagement and training;
  • Provide data analysis/ integration support;
  • Assist in the development of program specific technical/policy resource guides and informational/ educational/ briefing materials;
  • Provide grant proposal reviews and summarization reports
  • Implement learning systems to support accelerated learning, improvement, and dissemination of promising practices among model participants

Department of the Army

Water Resources Analytical and Professional Support Services - W912HQ22D0002

Abt provides Analytical and Professional Support Services to conduct research; policy, program, and economic analysis; training; and technical assistance to the Corps Headquarters and Corps District and Division offices accordance with the Performance Work Statement (PWS) entitled "Water Resources Analytical and Professional Support Services." Support is rendered through the Institute for Water Resources (IWR) and the Contracting Office at the Humphreys Engineer Center, Alexandria, VA; the Hydrologic Engineer Center Davis, CA; the Risk Management Center co-located in Pittsburgh, PA and Denver, CO; and the Waterborne Commerce Statistics Center located in New Orleans District, Corps of Engineers in New Orleans, LA. All actions are coordinated through the IWR National Capital Region (NCR) offices located in Alexandria, VA.

The scope of this effort is intended to encompass all of the Civil Works mission areas (i.e., Navigation, Flood Risk Management, Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration, Hydropower, Regulatory, Recreation, and Water Supply) as well as technical and data management support as they relate to relevant USACE missions. Within these mission areas there are also key programs that will be within the scope of the contract. These include: Coastal Storm Damage Protection; Climate Change; Asset Management/USACE Infrastructure Strategy/Public Private Partnerships/Financing; Hydrologic and Hydraulic Planning and Engineering; Sediment Management and other issues as they arise within the Civil Works Program. In addition, the scope of this contract is intended to cover the areas of study and the kinds of expertise that IWR provides to its customers through its research, analysis, technical assistance and training activities (i.e., National and Regional Economic Analysis for Flood Damage Reduction, Coastal Storm Risk Reduction, Water Supply, Hydropower, Recreation projects; Ecosystem Restoration Analysis; National Studies for Water Resources Development; Regulatory Program Analysis; in the field of Navigation Decision Support Systems; Institutional Analysis; Benefit-Cost Analysis; Regional Impact Analysis; Value-to-the-Nation Assessments; Financial Analysis of Water Projects; Cost Effectiveness or Incremental Cost Analysis for Environmental Projects; Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses and Studies; Homeland Security; and Survey Research Methods including Questionnaire Design). These activities may be required in support of efforts to address both domestic and international water resources problems and needs, water security issues, and allocation, quantity, quality or other issues, including trans-boundary issues. This description is not intended to be all-inclusive of the scope of this effort, but rather to provide insight into the potential variety that could be involved in this contracting effort.

Department of Labor

Department of Labor Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) BPA - 1605C223A0002

Under this this Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), Abt Global provides a wide range of research and evaluation services to the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). CEO supports and works closely with all DOL agencies and program offices - including the Employment and Training Administration, the Office of Disability Employment, the Wage and Hour Division, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the International Labor Affairs Bureau, and others – to build evidence about DOL programs, policies, operations, and activities.  Through this BPA, CEO partners with firms such as Abt to design and implement research and program evaluations to meet this goal.  Activities that may be undertaken as part of this BPA include evaluation design; data collection and analysis; policy and program assessments; programmatic and evaluation technical assistance; preparation of a range of deliverable including reports, briefs, webinars, and briefings; and dissemination of information to diverse audiences.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Environmental, Analytical, Research, Technical, and Hybrid (EARTH) BPA - 68HERH22A0018

Abt provides Environmental, Analytical, Research, Technical, and Hybrid (EARTH) Support Services to improve EPA’s ability to fulfill its mission to protect human health and the environment. This contract vehicle is primarily used by the Office of Air & Radiation (OAR), which develops and administers national programs, policies, and regulations for controlling air pollution and radiation exposure, with a focus on pollution prevention and energy efficiency, indoor and outdoor air quality, industrial air pollution, pollution from vehicles and engines, radon, acid rain, stratospheric ozone depletion, climate change, and radiation protection. The services needed to create, update, and manage these regulations and programs require a mix of technical lab/field work, data analysis, research, and program management. This contract is available to OAR and other EPA offices for requirements falling within its technical scope, under the 541620 Environmental Consulting Services NAICS code. No IT development work will be completed under this contract vehicle.

The high-level objectives of this contract vehicle include:

  1. Data Analysis and Modeling
  2. Environmental Science-Related Testing and Quality Assurance
  3. Research and Documentation
  4. Policy and Regulation Support
  5. Operations and Communication

Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) IDIQ - 68HERC23D0004

This IDIQ contract is managed by the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT). OPPT manages programs under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). Under TSCA, EPA evaluates new and existing chemicals and their risks and supports initiatives to prevent or reduce pollution before it gets into the environment. OPPT also manages a variety of environmental stewardship programs that encourage companies to reduce and prevent pollution.

OPPT’s primary purpose for this IDIQ contract is to provide technical, regulatory and advisory support for EPA’s implementations and performance of activities under TSCA, EPCRA, and the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA). This support analysis of human and environmental exposure, including among workers and through to the environment, economic analysis, risk management support, toxicology, development and testing of predictive models and databases used in hazard and risk assessment and risk management, project and data management, peer reviews, meeting and conference support, and stakeholder outreach.

  • Program Support
  • Occupational Exposure and Environmental Release - Section A
  • Exposure Assessment - Section B
  • Hazard - Section C
  • Systematic Review - Section D
  • Non-Animal Testing - Section E
  • Economic Analysis - Section F
  • Pollution Prevention - Section G
  • Cross Program Support
  • Regulatory Development and Related Support - Section H
  • Research and Develop Scientific and Technical Data Access and Analysis Tools, Models and Analytical Guidance - Section I
  • Data Collection - Section J
  • Physical Testing - Section K
  • Training and Education Support - Section L
  • Outreach, Briefing, Workshop, Webinars, Meetings & Conference Support - Section M
  • Communications and Outreach Support - Section N
  • Webinar Hosting and Assistance - Section O
  • Peer Reviews – Section P
  • Certification and Training Support – Section Q
  • General Support – Section R

General Services Administration

Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) FSC Group: Professional Services

One Acquisition for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) – Unrestricted IDIQ #47QRCA25DU356

OASIS+ is a government-wide contract meeting Federal agencies’ mission needs for a full range of requirements. It is a single solution integrating complex professional and non-professional services.  Abt holds multiple OASIS+ domains including:

  • Management and Advisory: This domain includes a full range of management and consulting services that can improve a federal agency’s performance, aid its endeavors to meet mission goals, and provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues.
  • Technical and Engineering (T&E): This domain includes requirements to provide specific engineering, geoscience, or other technical professional skills, such as those performed by engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and technicians, required to handle specific operating conditions and problems for the benefit of the government. Work under this Domain typically involves the application of physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems; and providing expert advice and assistance on technical functions and issues.
  • Research and Development (R&D): This domain includes any requirements in support of Research and Development activities. R&D activities may be aimed at achieving either specific or general objectives. The term R&D includes basic research, applied research and experimental development. Services include conducting R&D in: the physical, engineering and life sciences; nanotechnology; biotechnology; and social sciences and humanities.
  • Environmental (ENV): This domain supports agencies in meeting their environmental requirements and streamlining the contracting process by providing a faster, more cost-efficient means to meet environmental objectives. Requirements typically involve multidisciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, and other technicians with expertise in areas such as air and water quality, asbestos contamination, remediation, ecological restoration, and environmental law. Environmental consulting could consist of support such as Planning and Documentation Services for the development, facilitation, and coordination of or for environmental initiatives or mandates in areas of chemical, radiological, or hazardous materials.

GSA OASIS+ Webpage:

Health Resources and Services Administration (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks (ACTION) 4 IDIQ - 75Q80120D00010

ACTION 4 is the fourth generation of an AHRQ-wide contracting mechanism that supports field-based delivery system research. ACTION projects conduct and study the development and testing of interventions designed to improve care delivery, and the dissemination and implementation of successful care delivery models in diverse care settings.

ACTION 4 research is conducted by 14 large partnerships that were selected competitively to collaborate with AHRQ via individual task order contracts. Together, the 14 ACTION 4 partnerships are composed of more than 300 member organizations that combine:

  • Nationally recognized research and clinical expertise.
  • Broad experience with quality improvement and implementation of evidence.
  • Informed and engaged stakeholders.
  • Access to sites in which to implement new delivery models.
  • Highly motivated health professionals seeking new ways to provide the highest quality care to the patients they serve.
  • Each of the 14 ACTION 4 partnerships is led by a prime organization and is composed of diverse member organizations involved in healthcare delivery, including many or all of the following:
  • Inpatient, ambulatory, and long-term care providers.
  • Integrated delivery systems and health plans.
  • Health services research organizations.
  • Consumer, patient safety, and other advocacy groups.
  • Professional associations and trade organizations.
  • Quality improvement organizations.

Each partnership brings large, robust healthcare databases, recognized clinical and research expertise, and the authority to implement healthcare innovations within diverse care settings. Collectively, the partnerships, which span all States, provide access and care to an estimated 50 percent of the U.S. population.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

HRSA Evaluation Studies IDIQ - 75R60219D00004

The purpose of this Indefinite-Delivery-Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) requirement is to facilitate the production of focused, high-priority, evaluation activities in support of Bureaus and Offices within the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). These activities may include evaluation studies, evaluation and information syntheses, policy and environmental assessments, development, implementation, analyzing the implementation of best practices as a result of a quality improvement projects, and assessment of evaluation capacity building activities, and the development and implementation of performance measurement tools and data systems.

The activities related to evaluation studies and services may be organized into support for five (5) key Task Areas:

  1. Task Area 1 – Evaluation Studies and Evaluation-Related Services
  2. Task Area 2 – Contextual/Policy Analyses of Issues Which May Impact HRSA Supported Activities
  3. Task Area 3 – Targeted Support for Evaluation Study, Evaluation-Related Service and Policy Study Components
  4. Task Area 4 – Communication and Dissemination of Evaluation Study, Evaluation-Related Service and Policy Study Findings
  5. Task Area 5 – Evaluation-Related Data Collection, Analysis and Preparation

HRSA Technical Assistance IDIQ - 75R60219D00032

The purpose of this Indefinite-Delivery-Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) requirement is to provide a contracting mechanism in support of various Bureaus and Offices within the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The contractor shall be required to provide Technical Assistance (TA) in a range of areas. This includes providing TA for Federally Qualified Health Centers, National Cooperative Agreements, State/Regional Primary Care Associations, Health Center Controlled Networks, Federally Qualified Health Centers Look-Alikes, state agencies addressing the health and public health needs of women and children (including children with special health care needs), universities, rural community-based programs, rural public health departments, Critical Access Hospitals/Small Rural Hospitals, health care providers, health care clinicians, AIDS service organizations, federal staff, and grant recipients.

The TA provided under this contract will be in response to the specific needs of HRSA programs. This may include the development of written materials, assisting with organizational needs, administrative needs, training of HRSA staff and programs on various topics, improving internal systems, assessing and assisting in targeted program areas, developing and improving internal management systems, peer-to-peer training, coordination and facilitation of webinars, outreach efforts, and sustainability. TA services may also include the development of training and education materials to improve access to health care for medically underserved and vulnerable populations. TA services may also include phone consultation, site visits, virtual consultation, note-taking/transcription services, report writing, quality assurance consultation, analysis and dissemination of evidence-based practices for health care delivery, as well as quality improvement recommendations. The services procured under this contract may be provided in a variety of forms depending on the specific requirements in the Task Order request.

The contractor shall have staff and expert consultants qualified and experienced in a range of specialty areas as described within this statement of work and supporting attachments. The contractor shall have and maintain a roster of consultants that are geographically, racially/ethnically, and linguistically diverse as well as represent the range of expertise needed to accomplish the tasks in the statement of work.

The contractor shall provide all personnel, materials, facilities, services, and equipment necessary for the performance of work as stated in individual Task Orders issued under this contract. The following describes the typical tasks that may be required of the contractor in the performance of Task Orders awarded. Task Orders shall not necessarily reflect/include the entire set of task areas listed below. HRSA will specify the actual tasks along with the project-specific information required for completion of the Task Orders. Each Request for Task Order Proposal (RFTOP) will clearly specify the requirement areas for that given Task Order. TASKS: (1)  HRSA TA Tracking System (TATS); (2)  HRSA Program Support; (3) TA Types and Methods; (4)  Research and Data Analysis Support; (5)  Special Projects; (6)  HRSA Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health; (7) Education and Training Services; (8) Evaluation Capacity Building; (9) Administration and Personnel Standards; (10) Records Management; (11) Records Management Training; (12) OIT Security Requirements.

Social Security Administration

Short Term Research and Evaluation BPA - 28321324A00040003

The Challenge

SSA administers two of the nation’s largest entitlement programs: Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSA’s Office of Retirement and Disability Policy needs short-term research and evaluation studies to make evidence-based decisions about these programs. SSA established this Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to obtain research on issues of immediate importance to the agency. The contract vehicle provides:

  • analysis of demographic and economic trends that affect OASDI and SSI
  • data analysis regarding medical and vocational disability policy
  • program assessments and recommendations about employment support and return to work policies and programs

The Approach

SSA issues call orders to acquire a wide range of short-term research. To date, call orders have focused on demographic and economic trends that affect SSA programs and beneficiaries, the data used to guide and understand policy, and SSA’s employment support programs. They include payment systems used in the Ticket to Work Program, community-based services for youth, and approaches to providing benefits counseling to disability beneficiaries. The call orders provide information SSA needs to inform decision making, improve the administration and effectiveness of programs, and enhance Congressional and stakeholder confidence in its policy decisions.

State of California

California Advancing and​ Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) Technical Assistance Marketplace - MA01232023CALDHCS

Spotlight On: Supporting California’s Transformation of Medi-Cal | Abt Global

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA IDIQ Domains 1L, 2L, 3L, 5L - 75S20322D00001

An Abt team was awarded a position on a $1.2 billion ceiling, five-year (2022-2027) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with SAMHSA that addresses a variety of behavioral health challenges. This gives the Abt team the opportunity to bid on task orders covering issues ranging from preparedness, prevention, response, treatment, recovery and behavioral health equity.

This IDIQ performance-based contract is used as a means to provide services to SAMHSA and its Centers and Offices to help them achieve their missions and priorities. SAMHSA requests a variety of statistical, evaluation, and analytical support services; policy and programming analyses and supports;  and training and technical assistance under this opportunity. SAMHSA program grantees may also be served through IDIQ tasks. This IDIQ contract also enables SAMHSA to improve its technical, management, and administrative operations by significantly reducing the amount of time and labor required to obtain critical contract services and products.

The IDIQ aligns with SAMHSA’s new 2023–2026 SAMHSA Strategic Plan. The plan presents an updated person-centered mission and vision highlighting key guiding principles and presenting new priorities. To achieve its mission, SAMHSA has identified five renewed priority areas to better meet the behavioral health needs of individuals, communities, and service providers:

  • Preventing Substance Use and Overdose
  • Enhancing Access to Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Services
  • Promoting Resilience and Emotional Health for Children, Youth and Families
  • Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health Care
  • Strengthening the Behavioral Health Workforce

IDIQ Domains Abt holds as a large business include:

  • Domain I. Feasibility, Pilot, and Evaluation Projects
  • Domain II. Statistical Projects
  • Domain III. Policy Analysis and Program Related Projects
  • Domain V. Technical Assistance and Training Projects

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

USAID Active Communities - Effective States (ACES) IDIQ - 7200AA22D00001

The purpose of Active Communities - Effective States (ACES) is to provide technical assistance and advisory services, training, and direct program implementation to support host country good governance, transparency and accountability.

ACES provides an “accountability systems” approach, moving beyond a narrow focus on supply-side versus demand-side accountability support or a focus only on formal institutions. Instead, this approach seeks to understand how citizens interact in systems and processes of accountability and strengthen linkages among formal and informal actors on specific issues. ACES also supports the integration of good governance into programs across USAID’s development portfolio, such as health, education and economic growth. This means applying Democracy, Rights and Governance (DRG) principles and practices to address political-economic obstacles in other sectors thereby improving overall development outcomes.

ACES can be used by USAID Missions and operating units in countries in all stages of political development, from those experiencing conflict or fragility to strong performers. Activities will be within one or more of the following technical areas:

  • Good Governance and Anti-Corruption;
  • Strengthening the Legislative Function/Legal Framework;
  • Decentralization and Local Governance;
  • Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform; and
  • Strengthening Oversight Mechanisms.


The Energy IDIQ II aims to address the global demand for, and use of, modern energy services by fostering sustainable energy development in countries assisted by USAID. Task Orders under the Energy IDIQ II mechanism will provide USAID Missions, regional bureaus, host-country stakeholders and partners with ready access to technical assistance and capacity building to manage the legal, regulatory, policy, governance, operational, financial, economic and transactional components of improved energy sector performance and strengthened enabling environment for private sector investment.

Activities may include interventions at multiple scales, from the household level to issues of global dimension. Task Orders can also support activities at the intersection of energy and any of USAID’s primary program areas, including but not limited to: agriculture and food security, economic growth and trade, democracy, rights and governance, education, climate variability and change, human population and health, social development and gender equality, disaster mitigation and response, reconstruction, environmental and natural resource management, and urban development.

The U.S. Department of Education (Institute of Educational Sciences)

The Procurement of Research Evaluation and Statistics Task Orders (PRESTO) IDIQ - 91990023D0002

The PRESTO multiple-award Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle will support the Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) in its role as the independent education research, evaluation, and statistics arm of the Department, by providing a diversified and qualified pool of vendors to help IES meet mission critical needs. The scope of PRESTO comprises five distinct scope categories with associated NAICS codes assigned to each category. The scope of this vehicle is intended to be broad enough to capture the needs of IES throughout the entirety of the period of performance. The scope of work associated with each of these task areas may change based on changes in applicable laws and regulations. Alterations to practices within each task area because of a change in law or regulation is within scope.

Abt is eligible to bid on PRESTO task orders issued under the following categories:

Education Sciences Support Activities

IES requires support to conduct surveys, evaluations, and administrative data collections that collect data and produce data products to support the mission of IES. Any effort that collects data from human subjects will require Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and/or Institutional Review Board (IRB) clearance packages.

Specifications and examples are available here:,,


IES requires support to recruit educational entities and groups traditionally underrepresented in education research on a national and international scale.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Technical Assistance BPA - 75D30121A12820

The purpose of this BPA contract is to facilitate the procurement of regularly and repeatedly scientific, technical, expert, and logistical services (e.g. outreach and education services) for ATSDR in support of its public health mission and activities such as, public health assessments, public health consultations, exposure investigations, biomonitoring activities, health studies, training, and related communication, outreach, education, and evaluation activities.

Project/site support includes the following activities: data gathering, evaluation, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination, environmental and biological sampling, analysis, monitoring and evaluation, data quality control and assurance, consultation, report preparation, training, and general and public logistical coordination.

Expertise needed to supplement existing agency efforts include diverse skills and expertise in the following areas: demographics, computer programming for public health assessment purposes, instructional design/technology, graphic design/artistry, statistics, mathematics, environmental and biological modeling, geographic information systems technology, medicine, physiology, engineering (chemical, environmental, industrial, process, mechanical), ecology, geology, hydro-geology, chemistry, health physics, biology, epidemiology, toxicology, environmental science, exposure assessment, laboratory science, veterinary science, environmental and biological sampling/monitoring, biomonitoring, meteorology, economics, nutrition, soil science, health education, health risk communication, training, research, program evaluation and decision making, public relations, writing and editing, case study development, distance learning applications, web-delivered health assessment training, conference planning, and administration and clerical.

  • Task Area 1: Expert and Scientific Assistance;
  • Task Area 2: Technical Assistance;
  • Task Area 3: Training

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Commonwealth of MA Vehicle - PRF76

This contract is titled PRF76 and is for the purpose of Management Consultants, Program Coordinators and Planners Services. Abt is awarded the following categories:

  • Cat. 1: Education Services
  • Cat. 2: Program Development, Organizational and Strategic Planning Services
  • Cat. 4: General Data Analytics Services and Evaluation Services,
  • Cat. 5: Downtown/Town Center/Commercial Area Revitalization Consulting Services,
  • Cat. 6: Planning, Zoning and Development Consulting Services,
  • Cat. 8: Health and Human Services
  • Cat. 9: Specialized Racial and Health Equity Services

TSPi Contract Vehicles

TSPi, a Division of Abt Global, is an innovative and award-winning company specializing in the design and implementation of digital solutions that enhance efficiency, boost performance, and drive client success. By leveraging agile principles, TSPi delivers secure digital solutions through low-code/no-code platforms, cloud-based technologies, modern data science, and AI/ML methodologies, all with a focus on human-centered design. 

  • GSA Multiple Award Schedule
  • NITAAC CIO-SP3 Small Business
  • USDA Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Conservation Software Delivery Services
  • USDA STRATUS Pool 2 and 3
  • FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Workflow Management Program (WMP)
  • U.S. Navy SeaPort NxG
  • U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) eFAST

General Services Administration

GSA Multiple Award Schedule
Multiple Award Schedule contract for commercial IT products/services – formerly GSA IT Schedule 70.

National Institutes of Health

NITAAC / CIO-SP3 Small Business

Provides a wide range of IT services spanning across ten task areas with a straightforward acquisition path for agencies to help meet socioeconomic contracting goals.

CIO-SP3 Small Business

TSPi CIO-SP3 Small Business

Awarded Contract

Latest Conformed Contract

TSPi CIO-SP3 Small Business Loaded Labor Rates

Prompt Payment Terms: None

U.S. Department of Agriculture

USDA Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Conservation Software Delivery Services

This BPA (known as “Elm”) supports FPAC Information Solutions Division’s (ISD) Conservation Branch and all conservation business owners they serve to deliver efficient and effective systems, applications, and software for FPAC to generate, manage, and share data, technology, and standards that enable partners and policymakers to make decisions informed by objective and reliable science. 

The scope of this effort includes the following information technology (IT) support services: development, modernization, enhancements, and maintenance of information systems, software applications, web services, and databases. IT support services directly or indirectly support: conservation planning, conservation financial assistance, conservation practice standards, conservation practices design and implementation, providing information and tools to internal and external users, monitoring and reporting outcomes of conservation implementation, natural resource data collection and delivery, and emergency watershed protection.

USDA STRATUS Pool 2 and 3

USDA STRATUS is a suite of government-wide Basic Ordering Agreements (BOAs) designed to support federal agencies’ procurement requirements to obtain rapid access to hyperscale cloud service providers, cloud integration and development providers, and SaaS providers/resellers. This collection of BOAs, formally known as USDA STRATUS, provides rapid access to cloud capabilities. This suite of BOAs is available for use by agencies throughout the Federal Government through USDA’s Digital Infrastructure Service Center (DISC) or to Federal Government agencies who hold a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA).

Pool 2: Labor Services

STRATUS Customers can purchase a variety of labor and integration services on Pool 2, including: unified intake, governance, cloud architecture, cloud engineering/modernization/migration, and security approach, platform operations, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline engineering, Continuous Authority to Operate (C-ATO), and change management.

Pool 3: SaaS Resellers

STRATUS Customers can purchase commercial software provided as a service e.g., Salesforce, ServiceNow, Atlassian on Pool 3.

Food and Drug Administration

FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Workflow Management Program (WMP)

In 2018, the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) began a multi-year effort to modernize workflow management (WFM) to take advantage of improved technological approaches and enhance execution of business processes. This BPA supports these modernization objectives including regulatory process improvements, business process re-engineering, data science, technology and systems integrations, advanced analytics and communications, and training initiatives.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


The NASA SEWP V provides the latest in IT products and product-based services for all Federal Agencies. SEWP provides the best value and cost savings through innovative procurement tools and processes, premier customer service and outreach, and advocation of competition and cooperation within the industry.


Contract Type: Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)

Contract Number: NNG15SD92B

Group: Group C

Period of Performance:May 1, 2015 to May 1, 2025

SEWP V adheres to Far 16.5059(b) Fair Opportunity Clause which provides that each contractor shall be given fair opportunity to be considered for each order exceeding $3,000 and issued under multiple award contracts. The FAR states that the method to obtain fair opportunity is at the discretion of the CO and that the CO must document the rationale for placement and price of each order. The SEWP online RFI/RFQ tool is the recommended method to assist in this activity and to augment the required decision documentation. The SEWP RFI/RFQ tool will automatically include the Contract Holders within a selected Group or based on a suggested source.

Order Surcharge: SEWP has a 0.36% surcharge.

How to Get a Quote: To obtain a quote, use the SEWP-V Quote Request Tool (QRT). It is shown on the main page, and can be accessed here: or contact the TSPi SEWP sales team directly at

Department of Navy

Navy’s electronic platform for acquiring support services in 23 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, NAVWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), Military Sealift Command (MSC), and the United States Marine Corps (USMC) compete their service requirements amongst 1800+ SeaPort-NxG Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) multiple award contract holders.

Federal Aviation Administration

U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) eFAST

eFAST streamlines the procurement process for all stakeholders using a web-based acquisition tool and automated workflows compliant with applicable FAA standards.