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The impacts of climate change in Morocco are severe, with temperature extremes, catastrophic floods, aggressive storms, and decreasing and more variable rainfall leading to the depletion of natural resources, particularly freshwater reserves. Women, young people, the poor, people living with disabilities, nomadic populations, and other minoritized groups are more vulnerable to climate shocks based on a variety of factors, including socially constructed roles and responsibilities, limited access to and control over resources, muted voices in decision-making, and restricted rights. 

At the same time, these populations often possess unique knowledge and experiences that make them well-positioned to play vital roles in climate governance, policy, and action. As Morocco translates plans and roadmaps into climate action, engaging these groups as change agents will be key. This panel will discuss the different issues these populations face, leading practices in incorporating an inclusive lens in advancing climate action, and how different stakeholders can adopt these practices in the Morocco context.   
