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The American Evaluation Association (AEA) Evaluation24 Conference

Abt Global is a proud sponsor of the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) Evaluation24 Conference .  This year’s theme, Amplifying and Empowering Voices in Evaluation, provides our experts with an opportunity to share Abt’s latest research, monitoring, and evaluation methods and findings. From state-of-the-art impact evaluations to varied approaches to research analysis, we raise the bar as we strive to improve public policies worldwide. 

“Our mission is at the heart of all our evaluations: To improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people worldwide. Over the past 60 years, we have pursued this mission through cutting edge evaluation and technical assistance in the areas of education, health, employment and housing, and international development. This is why I am so excited to meet you at this year’s AEA conference to discuss how we always put people first in our evaluations.” - Sebastian Lemire, Abt Global Senior Associate; AEA Board of Directors 

Stop by booth #117 to meet with our experts and to learn more about Abt’s work.

Abt Presentations  

Wednesday, October 23

2:30pm - 4:00pm PST | Oregon Ballroom     
Plenary Presentation: Honoring the Life and Legacy of Ricardo Millett: Mentor, Scholar, Field Builder   
Abt Presenters: Andrea Anderson, Katrina Bledsoe, Roslyn Brock

Thursday, October 24

10:15am – 11:15am PST | G131-132   
Panel Presentation: What Happens When You Give Evaluators a Box of Crayons? Reflections on Visualizations of Evaluation Theory   
Abt Presenter: Sebastian Lemire

11:30am – 12:30pm PST | D140   
Youth Focused Evaluation Multipaper Session   
Paper: Youth Engagement in Out-of-School-Time   
Abt Presenter: Allison Dymnicki

12:00pm – 12:15pm PST | D133-134   
Human Services Evaluation Multipaper Session   
Paper: Understanding Structural Barriers in Employment Processes: Implications for Evaluations of Employment and Training Programs   
Abt Presenter: Deena Schwartz

2:30pm – 3:30pm PST | F151-152   
Youth Focused Evaluation Multipaper Session   
Paper: Unpacking Components of Interventions: A Comparison of Synthesis Approaches   
Abt Presenters: Allison Dymnicki, Allan Porowski , Sebastian Lemire

5:00pm  - 7:30pm PST | Exhibit Hall A1/B   
Poster: Replicating a Peer Recovery Support Program for Parents in the Child Welfare System: Lessons from Program Installation and Early Implementation in Multiple Communities   
Abt Presenters: Hannah Betesh, Kim Francis, Michaela Ward

Friday, October 25

11:30am – 12:30pm PST | B117-119   
Skill Building Workshop   
Title: Why & How to Be a Journal Reviewer: A Skill Building Workshop with AJE’s Editors   
Abt Presenter: Shannon Hitchcock

2:30pm – 3:30pm PST | E144   
Panel Title: People-Centered Evaluation in Theory and Action   
Abt Presenter: Katrina Bledsoe

2:30pm – 3:30pm PST | Portland Ballroom 256  
Panel Title: Employing Data to Amplify Voices in Shaping Equitable Public Services  
Abt Presenter: Molly Irwin

Abt experts also in attendance:

Rucha Londhe, Ph.D.
Senior Director
Lisanne F. Brown, Ph.D.
Principal Associate, Health & Environment
Sarah J. Shoemaker-Hunt, Ph.D., Pharm.D.
Principal Associate

Additional Resources

Abt’s Program Theory Playbook: Six Visual Strategies That Will Change Your Evaluation Game

Abt’s developed a playbook that illustrates six different types of program theories to help program developers and evaluators visualize program theories.

Learn More

How We Model Matters – Visualizing Program Theories

This methods guide aims to help both program developers and evaluators advance the creativity and energy in their own work.

Learn More