Across sub-Saharan Africa, over 100,000 health facilities lack access to reliable electricity and internet connections. This gap threatens health when clinics can’t keep the lights on or reliably provide patients with oxygen and other life-saving care. Deprived of reliable power, they also can’t refrigerate vaccines and other temperature-sensitive medical commodities or use the digital tools that modern medicine relies on.
Millions of people will lack access to life-saving health services without sustainable funding and cross-sector coalitions to connect health facilities across the region. The Abt-led Health Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance (HETA) is Power Africa’s flagship initiative to meet these daunting challenges.
HETA was launched in 2022 as one of USAID’s largest-ever Global Development Alliances. HETA’s ambition is to unlock funding and build coalitions to electrify health facilities across sub-Saharan Africa and expand their access to internet networks–all powered by clean energy. The goal is to reach 10,000 health facilities and improve health services in the communities they serve.
HETA works to create durable partnerships and business models for sustainable health facility electrification and digital connectivity, emphasizing sustained clean energy access and reduced greenhouse gas emissions through solar. This alliance is designed to amplify the U.S. government’s $47 million investment by mobilizing at least $50 million in investment and co-funding from the public, private, and social sectors. This money will fund the installation of reliable, renewable power and mobile network or internet access for 10,000 health facilities in Africa by 2027.
HETA has three goals:
- Increase public, private, and social sector partnerships to implement health facility electrification and digital connectivity
- Grow the quantity and diversity of resources, especially funding, for health facility electrification and digital connectivity
- Design sustainable business models to ensure operations and maintenance (O&M)—a longstanding challenge for renewable energy in the health sector
Abt is the lead integrator for HETA, with founding partners RESOLVE, (Bechtel’s social enterprise), Orange, and a growing alliance of partners in the health, energy, and telecommunications sectors. Partnerships are the beating heart of HETA’s work—delivering funds, equipment, technical assistance, and in-kind resources to design, install, and sustainably operate and maintain renewable energy systems for healthcare, linked to mobile or internet networks.