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Beyond Zoning Reform: 4 Ways States Can Boost Their Housing Supply

Beyond Zoning Reform: 4 Ways States Can Boost Their Housing Supply

Here are four ways that state and local leaders can support more affordable housing that go beyond zoning reform. 
Is Your State’s Literacy Approach Aligned with the Evidence?

Is Your State’s Literacy Approach Aligned with the Evidence?

Cara Jackson offers tips on using evidence-informed resources to help states, districts, & schools improve literacy instruction. 
little girl with her hand raised in classroom

3 Questions To Promote Head Start Attendance

This blog asks how we can promote attendance in Head Start, which expands access to early care and education for children from low-income households.
Developing a Successful Brand: The Summer EBT Story

Developing a Successful Brand: The Summer EBT Story

Read more about how branding amplified the story of our evaluation work for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Electronic Benefit Program demonstration project.
When Compassion Calls: Addressing the Well-Being of Child Welfare Workers

When Compassion Calls: Addressing the Well-Being of Child Welfare Workers

"We don’t have any food. They are going to take my kids! Can you help me?" The desperate plea of a mother came through my voicemail. It was dinner time; I had already left the office for the day. I had been working with this family for months to address several safety risk factors. It was a tough case, and my job as a Prevention Specialist with the Department of Social Services (DSS) was to keep this family safely intact. I felt the weight of this responsibility every day. I knew if I did not intervene, foster care would be imminent for the children. However, the call came during the few hours I slept between jobs. I made less than $30,000 per year at DSS and, to make ends meet, worked a second full-time job at a residential program for youth aging out of foster care.
UK Can Help Supercharge Small Island Developing States’ Efforts To Build Sustainable Blue Economies

UK Can Help Supercharge Small Island Developing States’ Efforts To Build Sustainable Blue Economies

The UK can make better use of its pre-eminent finance position to bring innovative funding to the challenges that Small Island Developing States confront.
#ThankYouChildCare: Recognizing the Dedication and Value of Child Care Providers

Child Care Provider Appreciation Day: Valuing Our Providers

Child care providers provide vital, professional services that have a real impact on families; this blog explains why we need to compensate them accordingly.
Nurturing and Optimizing Networks of Care to Maximize Benefits to Patients, Health Workers, and Health Systems

Nurturing and Optimizing Networks of Care to Maximize Benefits to Patients, Health Workers, and Health Systems

In Global Health Science and Practice, Abt Global’s Kelly Saldana and coauthors argue for more evidence and coordination to expand the use of Networks of Care in health systems and service strengthening.
Do Year-Round Schools Work? Three Questions to Ask

Do Year-Round Schools Work? Three Questions to Ask

Abt’s Cara Jackson offers three tips to help educators determine if year-round instruction is desirable—and feasible—for their students.
Lessons Learned from Private Sector Engagement Across Sectors

Lessons Learned from Private Sector Engagement Across Sectors

Sarah Kozyn’s and Sean Callahan’s Marketlinks blog details how engaging the private sector has helped health systems, renewable energy, and more across sectors.