Susceptibility testing of Anopheles malaria vectors with the neonicotinoid insecticide clothianidin; results from 16 African countries, in preparation for indoor residual spraying with new insecticide formulations
Malaria Journal
August 16, 2019
To combat malaria, many countries have used the insecticide Actellic™ 300CS for indoor residual spraying annually for up to four consecutive years. That runs the risk that malaria-carrying mosquitoes will develop resistance to Actellic. The solution: insecticide rotation. But there have been few options until now. Results from tests in 16 African countries show that SumiShield™ 50WG and Fludora Fusion™ WP-SB, which use the ingredient clothianidin, are effective alternatives. The novel way clothianidin works makes cross-resistance with other insecticides unlikely.
Focus Areas
Sub-Saharan Africa