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November 3, 2021

Approaches to Assisting Families Experiencing or At Risk of Homelessness with TANF Funds


Lauren Dunton and Cara Sierks

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is TANF is an important tool that states can leverage in connecting families experiencing homelessness to the services they need, including TANF-funded services such as cash assistance and childcare support, and more traditional housing supports such as rapid re-housing programs and subsidized housing. The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation contracted Abt Global to consider the extent to which TANF agencies:

  1. Use TANF funds for temporary rental assistance;
  2. Build partnerships with local organizations that plan and manage housing programs; and
  3. Provide additional supportive services to families experiencing homelessness.

Abt used examples from five communities that took part in a study for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to characterize the approaches.

Learn more about the project.

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