Mapping New Hampshire’s Early Childhood System
Justin Stein, Charlotte Lloyd, Karen Loya, Amy Checkoway, and Katie Murphy, Abt Global; Erin Bumgarner, MEF Associates

One of the key goals of the New Hampshire Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (NH PDG B-5) program is to improve families’ access to quality child care by building a coordinated, family-focused, mixed-delivery system. Abt Global conducted analyses and developed a series of maps, including static maps and an interactive online map, to support the state’s understanding of child care deserts (geographic areas with insufficient capacity to adequately serve families with young children who live nearby). Abt also mapped the location of different organizations across sectors that provide services for families with young children. The information will help the state define and enhance regional early childhood infrastructure and supports. These findings and resources were collected in this report, New Hampshire Early Childhood System in the Time of COVID-19: Child Care Access and Regional Systems Coordination.