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Zimbabwe Africa


Building Strong Communities

Malaria is the most common cause of illness in Zimbabwe, killing approximately 10 percent of children before their fifth birthday. And while the country has reduced its HIV prevalence in half since 1997, it still has one of the top-10 highest rates in the world.

Abt Global is working to reduce the impact of malaria and HIV. For malaria, we are killing the mosquitoes that transmit the disease, conducting robust research on mosquitoes, training health workers in case management, facilitating mosquito net distribution, implementing social and behavior change activities and conducting operations research. For HIV, we are a partner in a project to improve testing, prevention and treatment.

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Select Work

Fighting Malaria Requires Many Strategies

Fighting Malaria Requires Many Strategies

The Zimbabwe Assistance Program in Malaria reduced malaria cases through help with distribution of bednets, training, and behavior change communications.

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Impact Brief
Reducing the Harm from Malaria in Zimbabwe

Reducing the Harm from Malaria in Zimbabwe

Malaria is the third most common cause of illness in Zimbabwe. Approximately 1 in 12 children die before their fifth birthday due to malaria, according to the 2010 Demographic and Health Survey. While the country had made progress in the last decade,…

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