Afghanistan has suffered three decades of prolonged warfare and chronic insecurity, weakening the country’s health system and hampering its ability to respond to population needs. With proper coordination and strategically targeted capacity strengthening and quality assurance, the private health sector helps to sustainably strengthen Afghanistan’s health system by increasing access to affordable care among urban populations where there is a dearth of public sector facilities.
Abt collaborates with local partners to advance their organizational priorities and strengthen the country’s health systems so they are more resilient and sustainable. For example, our Health Systems 20/20 project helped develop a health financing and sustainability strategy. Our work on USAID’s SHOPS Plus project strengthened local capacity to provide treatments for childhood diarrhea, services for expecting mothers, and products for safe drinking water. As part of the USAID Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Project, Abt is working with the private sector to expand the accessibility and affordability of quality health products and services for maternal and child health, family planning, tuberculosis, nutrition and noncommunicable diseases.