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Asia & Pacific

Vietnam Asia & Pacific


Expanding Our Impact

Abt’s work in Vietnam has helped boost women’s economic empowerment, strengthen government capacity for HIV and TB prevention, address climate change, and promote clean energy solutions. The Investing in Women project established the Vietnam Business Coalition for Women Empowerment to support workplace gender equality through policy advisories, employee trainings and surveys, and positive gender norms. 

Through the USAID-funded Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) project, Abt has supported the Government of Vietnam to strengthen its capacity to finance and manage health programs and update policy and legal frameworks to transition HIV and TB programs from external donors to nationally managed social health insurance. This marks a critical milestone for Vietnam in its shift to sustainable financing for HIV and TB, ensuring uninterrupted access to life-saving treatment. Abt is also helping Vietnam to pilot a social contracting mechanism for community-based delivery of HIV services.

The Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR) project helped accelerate private sector investments for climate change mitigation in agriculture, forestry, and land use in Vietnam. As a part of the AgResults initiative in Vietnam, Abt conducted a rigorous impact evaluation of a pay-for-results challenge project designed to promote adoption of low-emissions rice production technologies.

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Select Work

Logistics Management Tool Brings New Strength to Vietnam’s Fight Against TB

Logistics Management Tool Brings New Strength to Vietnam’s Fight Against TB

The Abt-led USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project created a logistics management information system for TB drugs in Vietnam.

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Impact Brief
Trust and Localization: The Missing Tools in Pandemic Preparedness and Response

Trust and Localization: The Missing Tools in Pandemic Preparedness and Response

What is humanity’s best defense against a pandemic or other major threat? You’d be partially right to think: high-tech equipment in gleaming new health facilities, a computer farm in the cloud to collect and share data, highly qualified clinical staff, vast sums for vaccine research and development, and expansive budgets funding expensive national public health systems.

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Strengthening Health Systems by Integrating Financing Programs

Strengthening Health Systems by Integrating Financing Programs

Health systems strengthening efforts increasingly focus on integrating fragmented initiatives financed by donors into country-led and financed programs.

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Impact Brief
Evaluating Prize Competitions Around the World

Evaluating Prize Competitions Around the World

The AgResults initiative was created by five donors after the 2010 G20 summit. The donors recognized that their resources alone could not significantly reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries. They created AgResults to test whether pay-for…

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