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Latin America & Carribean

Peru Latin America and the Caribbean


Expanding Our Impact

Despite recent improvements, HIV services in Peru are not always easy to access—particularly for the country’s approximately 1.1 million refugees and migrants from Venezuela.  The COVID-19 pandemic has only added to the challenge. 

Since 2021, using a health system strengthening approach, the Abt-led USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project (LHSS) has collaborated with the government of Peru to strengthen the country’s capacity to make HIV services and medicines available to the Venezuelan population. The project is also supporting Peru’s response to COVID-19—while building the country’s capacity to respond to future health outbreaks—by helping improve surveillance, clinical case management, laboratory practices, and communication strategies and services. This work follows on previous Abt-led initiatives in Peru to implement and monitor vector control activities to help prevent the spread of the Zika virus and foster alliances between civil society and the government.

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Select Work

Abt Helps Local Groups Play Greater Roles in Health Systems

Abt Helps Local Groups Play Greater Roles in Health Systems

Abt supports new local partners in taking on incrementally larger roles in health system strengthening efforts.

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Impact Brief
Effectiveness of maternal influenza vaccination in Peru — PRIME cohort

Effectiveness of maternal influenza vaccination in Peru — PRIME cohort

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