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August 14, 2019

Abt Expands Opioid Quality Improvement Collaborative Aims to Improve Chronic Pain Care


Rockville, Md.  –  Abt Global has expanded the Opioid Quality Improvement (QI) Collaborative launched in March 2018 to a second cohort of healthcare systems. The Collaborative’s goal is to support healthcare systems in implementing recommendations from the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain (CDC Guideline) and using associated QI measures to improve chronic pain care and opioid prescribing and management. Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Collaborative now includes two cohorts of healthcare systems across 11 states from Massachusetts to Oregon and more than 120 primary care practices. 

The second cohort of systems includes East Tennessee College of Nursing, Kettering Physician Network (OH), Owensboro Health (KY), University of Mississippi Medical Center, University of Utah Department of Family and Preventive Medicine and UPMC Pinnacle (PA). The first cohort includes: Atrius Health (MA), Indian Health Service (OR), Montefiore Medical Center (NY), St. Mary’s/Clearwater Valley (ID) and Stormont Vail Health (KS).

Integral to the project are 16 clinical QI opioid measures, which align with the CDC Guideline. Each healthcare system agreed to produce and monitor its progress on at least five QI measures. The healthcare systems will evaluate the impact of the QI measures on prescribing and patient outcomes.

The systems participating in the Collaborative will benefit from several resources and opportunities for shared learning:

“The Collaborative is an opportunity to support healthcare systems that are doing the hard work in their communities to provide individualized care for patients with chronic pain,” says Sarah J. Shoemaker-Hunt, Ph.D., Pharm.D., “while balancing practice-level improvements in opioid prescribing for safer, evidence-based care.”  Shoemaker-Hunt is the principal investigator for the CDC-funded project.

Stan Crock
(301) 347-5402