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Rodrigue Anagonou

Chief of Party, PMI Evolve, Togo


Rodrigue Anagonou is a medical entomologist with 16 years of experience working on multiple projects for the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and other publicly funded projects in western Africa and the Caribbean. Anagonou’s expertise is in managing indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated nets projects.

Anagonou currently serves as the chief of party (COP) for the PMI Evolving Vector Control to Fight Malaria Project (PMI Evolve) in Togo. He is responsible for assuring overall strategic direction, operations management, technical leadership, and financial and administrative compliance for all project activities. He serves as the main contact between the project and Togo’s National Malaria Elimination Program and other stakeholders in the country.

Before his role in the PMI Evolve Project, Anagonou worked for Abt as the operations manager in Madagascar for the PMI VectorLink Project. He also served as an entomology specialist in Haiti on the Zika Africa IRS Project and the Malaria Zero Haiti IRS Project. 

Prior to coming to Abt, Anagonou spent several years managing technical spraying and project evaluations for the Entomological Research Center of Cotonou (CREC) in Benin. Anagonou also supervised master’s theses and trained students in entomology at CREC in collaboration with the University of Abomey-Calavi. In addition, he served as an advisory committee member for CREC.


  • Vector control
  • Project management
  • Strategy execution
  • Entomological monitoring

Key Projects


  • Anagonou R, Agossa F, Azondékon R, Agbogan M, OkéAgbo F, Gnanguenon V, Badirou K, Agbanrin-Youssouf R, Attolou R, Padonou GG, Sovi A, Ossè R, Akogbéto M. Application of Polovodova’s method for the determination of physiological age and relationship between the level of parity and infectivity of Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae s.s, South Eastern Benin.Parasit Vectors 2015, 8:117.
  • Anagonou R, Agossa F, Gnanguenon V, Azondékon R, Akinro B, Oké-Agbo F, Padonou GG, Govoetchan R, Aïkpon R, Sovi A, Ossè R, Akogbéto M. Development of new combined method based on reading of ovarian tracheoles and the observation of follicular dilatations for determining the physiological age in Anopheles gambiae s.s. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology 2015; 9(1): 9-15.
  • Rodrigue Anagonou, Virgile Gnanguenon, Fiacre Agossa, Bruno Akinro, Armand Akpo, Martial Gbegbo, Martin Akogbéto. Observation of granulations in the basal body of ovarioles and follicular dilatations for the determination of physiological age of Anopheles gambiaes.s. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine2015; 3(7): 526-530.
  • Rodrigue Anagonou, Fiacre Agossa, Virgile Gnanguenon, Gil Germain Padonou, Bruno Akinro, Martin Akogbéto. Using ovarian development stages in the determination of the physiological age in the females of Anopheles gambiaes.l, south-eastern Benin. International Journal of Mosquito Research 2015; 2 (2): 75-79.
  • Deguenon, J. M., Azondekon, R., Agossa, F. R., Padonou, G. G., Anagonou, R., Ahoga, J., ... & Roe, R. M. (2020). ImergardTMWP: A non-chemical alternative for an indoor residual spray, effective against pyrethroid-resistant Anopheles gambiae (sl) in Africa. Insects, 11(5), 322.


  • Ph.D., Medical Entomology, University of Abomey-Calavi
  • M.Sc., Medical Entomology, University of Abomey-Calavi
  • M.N.S., University of Abomey-Calavi
  • M.N.S., University of Abomey-Calavi
  • University Diploma Scientific Studies-Biology, Chemistry, and Geology, University of Abomey-Calavi
  • B.A.C. (Series D), University of Abomey-Calavi


  • Spot bonus for work on Malaria Zero Haiti IRS Project in Haiti
  • Certificate of Appreciation for work on the PMI VectorLink Project in Madagascar