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Educating Health Care Providers About MIS-C


  • Developed material to educate health care providers (HCPs) treating MIS-C
  • Collected data through surveys, interviews, and message and material testing
  • Educational materials disseminated to HCPs through multiple channels

The Challenge

The Abt team supported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its effort to assess and address the educational needs of HCPs treating pediatric patients with suspected and confirmed cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). The team provided project management and oversight, quantitative and qualitative measure development and analysis, material development and testing, and partner engagement and dissemination planning. The team included Medscape and New England Transcripts.

The Approach

The Abt team developed and administered a baseline survey to assess knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of 250 HCPs related to MIS-C recognition, diagnosis, and reporting. We then recruited more than two dozen HCPs to participate in in-depth interviews. We also conducted an environmental scan of MIS-C resources for HCPs and a material testing survey with 250 HCPs. We developed separate reports for each along with a communications and partner engagement plan to inform the dissemination of MIS-C materials.

The Results

The project’s final products were MIS-C educational materials for healthcare providers and parents. These materials were developed based on data gathered through:

  • a baseline survey with HCPs to identify gaps in knowledge and informational needs,
  • in-depth interviews with HCPs to determine how to address knowledge gaps and informational needs, and 
  • a survey with HCPs to test draft messages and materials. 

Our team finalized materials based on feedback received from the message and material testing survey and developed and implemented a partner engagement strategy to ensure the resources got in the hands of those who needed them. By focusing efforts on the right partnerships, the right channels, and the right audience, Abt was able to engage with 36 HCP organizations, including five Spanish organizations. During the first 6 months of dissemination, we achieved more than 24,000 social media likes, shares, comments, and views from partner social media posts; over 1.8 million MIS-C page views; and over 58,000 MIS-C material downloads.

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