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Health Effects from Exposure to Aerosolized Cyanobacterial Toxins


  • To identify and measure potential health effects of cyanobacterial toxin exposure in Florida.
  • Abt conducted a field based, integrated, cross-sectional epidemiology exposure study.
  • Field work has been completed and data analysis in ongoing.


Implementation of a Study to Assess the Health Effects from Exposure to Aerosolized Cyanobacterial Toxins

The Challenge

Toxic cyanobacteria blooms, or cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs), are becoming increasingly problematic as a result of reduced oxygen levels in bodies of water around the globe; Florida has been significantly impacted. The health effects of cyanoHAB toxin exposure, particularly in the air, are not well known, so the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention’s National Center for Environmental Health asked Abt to investigate the potential effects of these blooms.

The Approach

A multidisciplinary team will conduct a cross-section, field-based epidemiology study to assess the exposure and health effects of cyanobacterial bloom in Florida. Air monitoring was conducted, and biological specimens and environmental samples will be collected along with participant surveys and activity logs. Consistent with our deep history of implementing research, the team will work with partners to ensure local communities are informed and that their concerns are addressed.

The Results

Based on the field epidemiology studies, Abt developed and finalized a comprehensive dataset for statistical analysis. The team reviewed, cleaned, and integrated water sampling, air sampling, laboratory, and survey-based data. Preliminary analysis and a peer-reviewed manuscript are in development in collaboration with the CDC team.