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Support to AHRQ’s Primary Care Quality Improvement Initiative


  • Primary care practices face barriers to providing high quality care.
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality grantees provide quality improvement support.
  • Abt provides the grantees technical assistance, dissemination, and evaluation services.


Technical Assistance to and Evaluation of Grant Initiative to Develop State-level Capacity for Dissemination and Implementation of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research into Primary Care (EvidenceNOW: Building State Capacity)

The Challenge

Primary care providers face multiple challenges, including underinvestment, workforce shortages, administrative burdens, and high patient volumes. They all are barriers to providing high quality and evidence-informed care. A growing number of states are developing infrastructure to provide quality improvement (QI) support to help primary care practices implement evidence-based care. These efforts vary widely, and states with the highest burden of disease often do not have the infrastructure or financial support they need to improve health outcomes.

The Approach

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ’s) EvidenceNOW: Building State Capacity (EvidenceNOW: BSC) Project has invested $18 million over three years to support four state-based grantees developing statewide infrastructure (cooperatives) based on AHRQ’s primary care extension model. The EvidenceNOW: BSC grantees are located in Alabama, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee. Each state has populations with some of the highest rates of preventable cardiovascular disease events in the U.S. The grantees have built state-level cooperatives with a variety of partners (including those from clinical, community, payer, and government sectors) to provide external QI support to primary care practices. This support focuses mainly on applying patient-centered outcomes research findings to improve heart health and reduce cardiovascular disease. 

Abt Global is supporting the success of the EvidenceNOW: BSC grant initiative through technical assistance, dissemination, and evaluation delivered by a team of primary care practice improvement experts.

The Results

Key activities of this effort have included:

Our Experts

Molly Vaughn, Ph.D., DPT
Sarah J. Shoemaker-Hunt, Ph.D., Pharm.D.
Principal Associate
Jessie Gerteis, MPH
Senior Associate, Health & Environment