- Climate adaptation activities needed support in C5 countries.
- Abt implemented climate adaptation training and best practices.
- C5+1 Adaptation helped revise Kazakhstan’s Environmental Code.
The Challenge
To support climate adaptation activities at the regional level and in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, high-level discussions between the U.S. Secretary of State and C5 Foreign Ministers led to the launch of five regional projects in 2016, including the C5+1 Adaptation project. The project sought to help the C5 increase their capacity to assess and address the impacts of climate resilience through regional and national collaboration.
The Approach
For USAID, Abt implemented the C5+1 Adaptation project with the Colombia-based Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical — the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, or CIAT — with support from the Environmental Law Institute.
At the regional level, the C5+1 Adaptation project offered training and shared international best practices on climate risk analysis, adaptation planning and financing. The project also facilitated peer learning within the C5 and between the C5 and other countries.
At the country level, C5+1 Adaptation helped the Ministry of Energy in Kazakhstan revise the country’s Environmental Code and integrate climate concerns into development and sector planning. C5+1 Adaptation also trained decision makers in each country how to conduct national adaptation planning, improve institutional capacity to access to adaptation financing and develop National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
The Results
The C5+1 Adaptation project developed multiple technical work products to support adaptation planning in the region, including a synthesis report on climate impacts and adaptation needs in Central Asia and a concept note describing recommendations for the NAP development process. C5+1 Adaptation conducted three regional workshops for representatives from the C5 governments to foster dialogue on adaptation planning and adaptation financing. The team also conducted 11 national-level workshops to train C5 decision makers in key adaptation planning concepts.