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321 - 330 of 422 results

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Improving Postsecondary Education Access and Success

Improving Postsecondary Education Access and Success

Access to middle-class jobs increasingly requires a college degree or other postsecondary credential. However, students from disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely than their more advantaged peers to have awareness of—and access to—the resources…
Overcoming Undermatching in Postsecondary Education

Overcoming Undermatching in Postsecondary Education

Where students go to college is key to their educational attainment and later economic success. However, 41 percent of students nationally and about half of those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds undermatch—meaning they don’t attend college or they…
female college student

Promoting Persistence in Community College Students

To help community college students obtain the skills required to earn their degrees, the Robin Hood Foundation—New York’s largest poverty-fighting organization—designed the Robin Hood College Success Prize. The goal of the competition is to find scalable…
Supporting Efforts to Review Evidence in Education

Supporting Efforts to Review Evidence in Education

The U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) was established in 2002 to serve as a central and trusted source of evidence on best practices in education. As the standard bearer for evidence in education, the WWC needs to stay abreast…
Developing Best Practices to Assist K-12 Students Struggling with Behavior

Developing Best Practices to Assist K-12 Students Struggling with Behavior

The Institute of Education Sciences’ What Works Clearinghouse wanted a systematic review of evidence on interventions designed to improve the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of students in kindergarten to grade 12. Abt Global and our partners…
Study of College Transition Messaging in GEAR UP

Study of College Transition Messaging in GEAR UP

Many high school seniors who plan to attend college do not enroll, and others enroll but do not return for a second year. Low-income students are more likely than their higher-income peers to fall off track after high school ends. Text message-based…
Study of Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants

Study of Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants

As the U.S. Department of Education seeks to provide better and more equitable education to all students, assessing the implementation and effectiveness of funded programs is a necessary component of its efforts.  That’s why the agency is conducting a…
Evaluating the Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs)

Evaluating the Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs)

The Institute of Education Sciences’ Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) provide applied research and trainings to state and local education agencies. Their mission is to support a more evidence-based educational system. To determine whether the…
Abt Evaluates Family and Early Childhood Workforce Needs for Rhode Island’s PDG B-5

Abt Evaluates Family and Early Childhood Workforce Needs for Rhode Island’s PDG B-5

Rhode Island’s Preschool Development Grant – Birth through Age Five (PDG) grant is being used to implement a plan to ensure all children from birth through age 5 (B-5) are supported by services and programs that will prepare them for lifelong success. To…
Evaluating the Citizen Schools Model

Evaluating the Citizen Schools Model

Citizen Schools is a non-profit organization that partners with middle schools to expand the learning day for children in low-income communities. The organization mobilizes a “second shift” of afternoon educators who provide academic support, leadership…