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Monitoring the Use of Illegal Drugs for Law Enforcement: ADAM II

Monitoring the Use of Illegal Drugs for Law Enforcement: ADAM II

Existing and emerging drug-use problems can surprise and overwhelm community systems and resources. An accurate understanding of a community’s drug-use problem needs to include the full range of people arrested who may who use drugs, from recreational…
Massachusetts High Risk for Domestic Violence Re-Assault and Homicide Prevention

Massachusetts High Risk for Domestic Violence Re-assault and Homicide Prevention

The goal of domestic violence high risk response teams (DVHRTs) is to reduce domestic violence homicide and severe multiple assaults. But little is known about how to measure and evaluate the performance of these programs.
Studying Programs to Support Incarcerated Students

Studying Programs to Support Incarcerated Students

The U.S. Department of Education seeks to better support students who are incarcerated. Its Second Chance Pell (SCP) Experimental Sites Initiative waived the prohibition against offering Pell grants to incarcerated students in federal or state prisons…
Legal Marijuana’s Effect on Justice and Health

Legal Marijuana’s Effect on Justice and Health

A major shift has occurred over the past two decades in public policies and attitudes toward marijuana use. Between 1996 and 2021, 37 states passed laws legalizing the medical use of marijuana, and 18 states legalized recreational use. However, marijuana…
people with headsets on

ABC News/ Washington Post Tracking Polls

Non-partisan political polling presents unique challenges that demand an experienced team. Media clients, like ABC News and The Washington Post, demand quick-turnaround work to fit today’s rapid news cycle. In addition, this work is subject to a high…
Amplifying EPA’s Heat Island Reduction Program

Amplifying EPA’s Heat Island Reduction Program

Structures such as buildings and roads, absorb and re-emit much more of the sun’s heat than do natural landscapes such as forests and bodies of water. Urban areas with highly concentrated structures become “islands” of higher temperatures compared to…
car at night

National Assessment of Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Efforts

The FBI calls human trafficking the third largest criminal activity in the world. Most attention is on pimps and smuggling rings—the supply side. But recently, law enforcement has attacked demand, trying to shrink the market for prostitution. Anti-demand…
Evaluating NYC’s Service Design Studio

Evaluating NYC’s Service Design Studio

The Service Design Studio (the Studio) is a novel approach to enhancing the capacity of New York City (NYC) municipal staff to adopt service design—sometimes referred to as human-centered design or design thinking—as a strategy to improve city services,…
Reimagining Response to Vulnerable Populations in Crisis

Reimagining Response to Vulnerable Populations in Crisis

Homelessness and untreated serious mental illness (SMI) and/or substance use disorders (SUD) are at the root of many crisis-related calls for emergency services. However, first responders often lack the necessary information, skills, resources, or…
CREST and QCS System Re-entry Service Provision

CREST and QCS System Re-entry Service Provision

Re‐entry services help those released from detention avoid re‐offending, succeed on parole, and remain out of custody. To achieve this, reintegration programs must be responsive to the multiple factors that can influence behaviour change. These services…