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Abt’s Cost-Benefit Tools Excel at Addressing Climate Change Strategies
Impact Brief
Abt’s Excel-based cost-benefit analysis tools are helping the U.S. and other countries understand the impact of climate change and the strategies that make sense.
Abt Conversations: Health, Climate and Equity
Impact Brief
In this miniseries, Abt researchers sit down with leaders from Massachusetts, Minnesota and the Pueblo de San Ildefonso to discuss health, climate and equity.
Solar Power for Cooling Systems and Data Collection
Impact Brief
In Madagascar and Tanzania, Abt used solar power during IRS campaigns to cool insecticide storerooms and charge mobile devices for data collection.
Caught Between HIV+ and Climate Change: Mozambique’s Cyclone Victims Maintain Treatment Through Community Support
Impact Brief
Abt supports displaced patients across Mozambique, reconnecting them with HIV treatment and providing counseling to families as they overcome climate disasters.