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Amanda Quintana

Amanda Quintana

Amanda Quintana is a global environmental health professional with over seven years of experience in international health and development, program management, and implementation. Currently, Amanda is pursuing her Ph.D. in climate resilient health systems at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), where she looks at the implementation of climate adaptation policy for health in South Africa. She has experience supporting international agencies, government partners, civil society, and country decision-makers around the world on global health activities and climate and health research priorities.
Mariandrea Chamorro

Mariandrea Chamorro

Mariandrea Chamorro has 20 years of experience managing international development programs. She has provided oversight for the high-quality and compliant execution of large flagship USAID programs while contributing to business development. Chamorro’s areas of expertise include prevention of vector-borne diseases, infectious diseases, maternal and child health, and health systems strengthening. Her clients have included the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). 
Lisa McDonald

Lisa McDonald

Dr. Lisa McDonald is a natural resource economist with more than 25 years of experience in environmental compliance and policy.  She has led the development of both economic impact tools used to evaluate large investment decisions and conceptual models to evaluate benefits of restoration projects. Dr. McDonald also has led or completed several socioeconomic and environmental justice impact analyses for various projects, including evaluating changes in land use policies, watershed management studies, restoration projects, and energy and infrastructure development. She often applies various economic analysis techniques in these studies, including economic impact analysis, benefit-cost analysis, financial modeling, and market and non-market valuation.
Daniel Peniston, Adaptation and Resilience Specialist

Daniel Peniston

Daniel Peniston is a Climate Adaptation and Resilience Specialist at Abt Global, where he provides technical support in adaptation, resilience, and climate change. He has experience in adaptation, climate policy, nature-based solutions, responsible forest management, ecosystem services, sustainable supply chains, political economy, urban sustainability, air pollution, and supporting Indigenous-led forestry and climate programs. 
Joan Chahenza

Joan Chahenza

Joan Chahenza is a renewable energy finance and policy expert with more than a decade of private and public sector experience in on-grid and off-grid renewable energy. Her main areas of expertise are financial modeling and structuring of power generation projects, government and regulatory stakeholder management, technical advisory services for renewable energy enterprises, and contract negotiation for power purchase agreements and geothermal drilling contracts.
Lindiwe Chola Dlamini

Lindiwe Chola Dlamini

Lindiwe Chola Dlamini is a certified expert in climate change and renewable energy finance with 18 years’ experience in sustainable energy policy, resource mobilization, partnership development, and program management. Her career includes leadership, resource mobilization, and implementation roles for sustainable energy in Eswatini. She has provided expert technical advisory support for public-private partnership negotiations in energy infrastructure and team leadership for Eswatini's Programme for Affordable Renewable Energy. She has worked with start-up social enterprises and with development programs funded by the U.S. and EU government, African Development Bank, United Nations organizations, World Bank, and African Legal Support Facility.
Rosa Amboage, Ph.D.

Rosa Amboage, Ph.D.

Rosa Amboage is an environmental economist with 10 years of experience expanding markets for nature-based solutions (NbS) to achieve climate, economic and social progress. Working across academic, private, and public sectors, her expertise includes land use policy, NbS, environmental markets, green finance, and natural resource management.Amboage contributed to the UK’s post-Brexit agri-environmental policies and designed its first national scheme promoting a natural capital approach to economic and climate goals. Before Abt, she was the lead economist of the £640M GBP ($740M USD) Nature for Climate Fund, a national program to help industries and communities realize net-zero ambitions.
Niko Dietsch

Niko Dietsch

Niko Dietsch has 20 years of experience working on domestic and international government initiatives to support the clean energy transition and improve air quality. Dietsch has expertise in clean energy policy evaluation, climate and air quality regulatory development, federal voluntary program delivery, and international capacity building. He spent 16 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) State and Local Branch working to advance clean energy as a strategy to help states meet their clean air and climate change requirements. This included playing a lead role in developing the energy efficiency provisions of EPA’s Clean Power Plan and establishing regulations that allow states and cities to include renewables and energy efficiency in their Clean Air Act (CAA) plans.
Nichole Fiore

Nichole Fiore

Nichole Fiore is a Principal Associate with over 15 years of experience evaluating housing and homelessness programs across the country, developing deep expertise on homeless service systems, organizational capacity, political and community will, unsheltered homelessness, and permanent supportive housing. Recognizing the critical link between stable, safe housing and overall well-being, Fiore is proven leader bringing together diverse stakeholders who work across many jurisdictions and sectors to address the needs and improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness. She brings person-centric approaches to teams, from fostering inclusive decision-making in system design to ensuring projects are collecting evidence that informs homeless service systems implementation and rapid response to extreme weather situations. She also is a regular source for media outlets, often on the topic of homelessness in California.