1001 - 1010 of 2735 results
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Still Bridging the Opportunity Divide for Low-Income Youth: Year Up’s Longer-Term Impacts
Abt’s evaluation of Year Up found that the training program for young adults increased earnings and generated benefits that exceeded costs.
Building Back Better for Young Adults
This paper argues for scaling Year Up’s program for young adults, which Abt’s independent evaluation found effective, replicable, and financially beneficial to society.
New Mexico Charter School Study: Findings Report
Abt’s New Mexico charter schools study has findings on college enrollment, dual language education, and equitable enrollment that may offer broader insight.
How Can We Make Community College Investments More Equitable?
Recovery Coaching Interventions for Families Involved with the Child Welfare System: Moving Toward Evidence-Based Practices
This report identifies promising child welfare interventions that use recovery coaches and assesses their readiness for replication and further evaluation.
Assisting Families Experiencing Homelessness with TANF Funding: Findings from a Survey of TANF Administrators
This brief covers methods that TANF agencies can use to identify and provide housing services to families experiencing homelessness.
How Well Do Housing Vouchers Work for Black Families Experiencing Homelessness?: Evidence from the Family Options Study
This study finds that both Black and white families experiencing homelessness had similar experiences using Housing Choice Vouchers.
A Research Agenda to Support the Optimal Use of Telehealth
This white paper looks at how we can implement telehealth on an ongoing basis after the 154-percent increase in use in the wake of COVID-19.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on School-Based Substance Use Prevention and Intervention Programs: Issues and Solutions
COVID-19 shined a light on the various roles schools play for students and elevate school partnerships and school-based health services to meet students’ needs.
Leverage Public Policy to Support Electric Vehicle Adoption
This white paper advises federal, state, and local governments on how they can prepare policies—and stakeholders—to support the adoption of electric vehicles.