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Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model Evaluation First Evaluation Report
This report finds the Accountable Health Communities Model identifes beneficiaries in need but does not yet show health-related social needs are being met.
Mortality and Risk Factors of Disease in Nepal: Trend and Projections from 1990 to 2040
NCDs and metabolic risk factors are projected to majorly contribute to deaths in 2040 in Nepal, requiring substantial alterations in health system priorities.
Career Pathways Descriptive/Analytical Project
Evidence continues to paint an encouraging picture of Career Pathways programs’ effect on improving education, employment, and earnings outcomes.
TAACCCT Round 4 Early Outcomes Study Report
Through the TACCCT program, community colleges delivered training programs that helped participants obtain credentials and employment and increase earnings.
Past Is Prologue: A Case Study Exploration of the Role of Climate Indicators in Adaptation in the United States
This journal article finds that pairing climate indicators and projections is more productive for adaptation decision making than climate projections alone.
Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP): Final Evaluation Report
Abt’s evaluation of the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) suggests possible directions for future CMS technical assistance program modifications.
Potential Health Benefits of Sustained Air Quality Improvements in New York City
This study finds New York City’s shutdown during COVID-19 suggests how thousands of lives and billions of dollars could be saved through improved air quality.
Which Nursing Homes Are at Risk of COVID-19?
In this white paper, Abt offers tips to ensure that nursing homes have the resources and training needed to prevent the introduction of—or combat--COVID-19.
Shifting from Crisis Response to Crisis Prevention
This paper outlines changes needed to shift a community’s orientation from crisis response to crisis prevention.
Using an Expansion of the Housing Choice Voucher Program to Improve Equity for Black Households at Risk of Homelessness