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medical professional talking to older man and woman

Abt Wins $6 Million Cardiac Rehab Award

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Abt Global Earns EDGE Certification For Gender Equality

children smiling

First Nationally Representative Study of Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Programs in 20 Years Offers a Treasure Trove of Data

Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) programs provide early childhood education, social and support services to culturally and linguistically diverse migrant and seasonal farmworker families and their children. Since the last nationally representative study of MSHS was conducted almost 20 years ago, there’s an urgent need for an update on MSHS programs and centers, and the farmworker families they serve. Changes in migration patterns, immigration policies and climate conditions may be affecting these children and families in as yet unknown ways, and the MSHS program may have to adapt to their changing needs.
doctor talking

Abt Evaluating Six Building Blocks to Improve Opioid Management In Primary Care

There is a growing need for primary care providers to balance preventing opioid misuse and potential risks while addressing the needs of patients with chronic pain. As a result, primary care practices need to redesign workflows and how they provide care. To help achieve that goal, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has awarded Abt Global a contract to implement and evaluate the Six Building Blocks (6BBs) team approach to improve opioid management in primary care.