1441 - 1450 of 2735 results
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Studies Show the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Approach to Prevention of Substance Use Disorders Works for Adolescents
The screening, brief intervention, and referral for treatment approach reduces substance misuse and improves education and employment outcomes for youths.
Private Sector Health - September 2022
Dive in for our latest news on private sector partnerships, improvements to health service access, and more!
Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Chance of Infection and Isolation Measures Reduce Household Transmission
A new CDC household study from the pre-Omicron era shows COVID-19 vaccines reduce the chance of COVID-19 infection, and isolation helps prevent transmission.
Young Baltimore parents feel immediate effects from guaranteed income
Abt is evaluating guaranteed income pilots in several cities, including Baltimore. In this piece, Abt researchers Hannah Thomas and Randall Juras explain that we’ll be collecting “data on everything from spending to housing effects to more ‘squishy’ questions like the effects on peoples’ mental health and time spent with family,” which, of course, we’ll share in our findings.
Technical Assistance & Implementation - October 2022
Check out our latest stories to learn how we're using equitable TA&I to promote good health and well-being worldwide.
Multiple COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Reduce Symptoms, Length of Illness, and Need for Medical Care
A study of essential and frontline workers with COVID-19 showed that two or three vaccine doses reduced symptoms, missed work, and the need for medical care.
At Work - October 2022
Enjoy Abt's October issue of At Work! Dive in for our latest workforce development and economic mobility news.
Apprenticeships Help Workers, Employers
An Abt-led study finds apprentices’ earnings increased over time and employers experienced positive returns on investment.
Powering Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa
Abt leads the Healthcare Electrification and Telecommunications Alliance, a USAID Power Africa partnership to bring renewable energy and connectivity to health facilities in Africa.