1931 - 1940 of 2730 results
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Bolstering Global Health Security in a Changing Climate
Climate change requires adaptive global health security strategies.
Empowering Women as Change Agents in the Green Economy
Ellen Bomasang and Nalishebo Meebelo discuss the ways women can be change agents in the green economy.
Quality Improvement: A Health System Strengthening Priority
Quality improvement methodologies, usually used at the health provider level, could have significant benefits at the health system level.
Confidence in New Approach Methodologies for Risk Assessment
Abt is working to advance the science around chemical risk assessment to support confidence in the use of New Assessment Methodologies.
The Far-Reaching Harms of Housing Unaffordability on Renters
Abt helped conduct a study that examined how housing affordability affects renters and the tactics that people use to survive.
What is One Health? A Frontline Defense Against Zoonotic Diseases
A One Health approach, which includes human, animal, and environmental health, is critical for fighting diseases passed between animals and humans.
The Gateway to Inclusive Health Systems? Localization
Responding to evolving health systems needs and our partners’ capacity requires a shift in approach to be locally informed, owned, driven, and sustained.
The SNAP-Hybrid Model Can Increase Summer EBT Benefit Use
Co-loading Summer EBT benefits on the same card with Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program benefits results in high Summer EBT redemption rates.
Monitoring Adult Vaccine Use Helps Save Lives
Abt Global conducts annual online surveys among pregnant people and health care personnel on vaccination use and attitudes toward vaccines.
3 Questions To Promote Head Start Attendance
This blog asks how we can promote attendance in Head Start, which expands access to early care and education for children from low-income households.