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2001 - 2010 of 2730 results

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Abt-led Namibia Project Exceeds Goal for Male Circumcisions

Abt-led Namibia Project Exceeds Goal for Male Circumcisions

VMMC is an integral component of the Government of the Republic of Namibia’s prevention approach to ending HIV and AIDS. Despite significant effort, VMMC coverage remains low. The population-based self-reported circumcision rate is 36.4 percent among…
Supporting the Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse

Supporting the Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse

Improving outcomes for job seekers with low incomes remains a critical task for U.S. social policy. Over the past three decades, significant strides have been made to build evidence on programs to improve the economic stability of those with low incomes…
Technical Assistance for DOJ Grantees Addressing Substance Use

Technical Assistance for DOJ Grantees Addressing Substance Use

People with a substance use disorder are overrepresented in the justice system, from the arrest phase to incarceration to the risk for recidivism. For example, more than 10 times as many people in prison (58 percent) and sentenced to jail (63 percent)…
The Impact of 20 Years of Pollution Prevention Projects

The Impact of 20 Years of Pollution Prevention Projects

Do pollution prevention projects reduce toxic releases? If so, by how much? Understanding their impact would provide valuable input to efforts to protect the nation’s environment. However, the sheer number — approximately 370,000 projects over 20 years —…
Modeling Biota Losses from Cooling Water Intake Structures

Modeling Biota Losses from Cooling Water Intake Structures

Power plants’ cooling systems often are located along coastal waterways and use large amounts of water from oceans, bays and estuaries. As millions of tiny aquatic organisms in the water such as fish eggs and larvae pass through the power plant, the heat…

How Will Climate Change Affect the Winter Recreation Industry?

Climate change, in particular global warming, inevitably will have an impact on winter recreation. But the effects will differ from one vacation destination to another. The challenge is to understand the effects on activities such as skiing and…

The Vulnerabilities of Water Systems to Climate Change in the Philippines

USAID released its climate-resilient development (CRD) framework in March 2014 to ensure consideration of climate issues in development decision-making. The goals included reducing climate vulnerabilities and improving development outcomes. The framework…
oiled turtle

Assessing the Impacts of Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico

The Deepwater Horizon disaster contaminated habitats across the northern Gulf of Mexico, including deep water corals, shallow bays, estuaries, coastal marshes and beaches. The spill affected wildlife ranging from birds to dolphins to sea turtles.  The…
Dug up storage tanks

The Impact of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks on Property Values

Underground storage tanks (USTs) containing petroleum and other hazardous substances are everywhere. Accidental releases of the substances from leaking USTs (LUSTs) pose serious health, economic, and environmental risks to local residents. Abt helped the…
people icons and speech bubbles

CommentCounts™ Manages Complex Public Comment Processes

Federal laws often do not specify every detail of how agencies should implement them. Agencies must use the rulemaking process to do so and seek public comments on the rules. They also seek public comments for other policy and rule changes.  Some attract…