2041 - 2050 of 2729 results
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RESEA: Building Evidence for Reemployment Services
To improve the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments (RESEA) program’s success in helping Unemployment Insurance claimants return to work more quickly, Congress introduced requirements that RESEA programs be supported by evidence of…
Building Evidence on Employment Strategies (BEES)
Many Americans struggle in the labor market even when overall economic conditions are good. Unemployment is persistently high for some demographic groups and in certain geographic areas, and a large proportion of working-age adults – about one in five in…
MA DSRIP TA: Massachusetts Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Technical Assistance Program
Under a federal waiver program (DSRIP), Massachusetts has the opportunity to restructure MassHealth to improve health outcomes and experience for its members. The challenge is to build the capacity of the state’s newly formed Medicaid ACOs and related…
Evaluating Child Care Recovery Post-Disaster
In the aftermath of disasters, children benefit from returning to normal routines. Save the Children, U.S. Programs (SCUS) offers direct resources and supports that enable child care centers to reopen, providing children with safe, familiar environments…
Pathways to Healthcare Boosts College Entry, Training Hours and Credentials
Adults with low skills or limited English proficiency face poor employment and earnings prospects. Postsecondary training is one way to improve job opportunities if the training aligns with industries’ local demand for skilled workers. Access to training…
Immunization Resource Tracking Project
The Immunization Resource Tracking Project strengthened country level data on immunization financing and immunization sustainability. The Abt-led project supported the production of immunization expenditure estimates and the development of policy briefs…
Health Careers for All Increased Healthcare Training Enrollment
Healthcare jobs are projected to be the fastest-growing occupations in the next decade. Almost all jobs in healthcare require postsecondary education or training, whether for entry-level employment or for advancement to higher-paying positions. But many…
Healthcare Career Pathways Program Helps More Low-Income Latinos Earn Credentials
Most healthcare jobs require postsecondary education or training. But many low-income, low-skilled Latinos face barriers to completing even short-term training for entry-level jobs due to low basic skills, limited finances, and other personal factors…
Evaluating Year Up’s Programs for Young Adults
Prospects for young adults without postsecondary credentials have steadily worsened in recent decades. With few chances at well-paying jobs, millions give up on school and withdraw from the labor force. Helping low-skilled young adults access training…
Evaluation of Youth Substance Use Prevention
In 2013, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation initiated a five-year Youth Substance Use Prevention and Early Intervention Strategic Initiative to promote early detection and intervention for substance use among youth age 15-22. The initiative called for use…