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Data & Racial Equity: How Do We Eliminate Bias from AI, Machine Learning, and More?
In this episode of The Intersect, Abt’s Laura Peck and Jason Brinkley address how we can adapt data to help address racial equality when it’s inherently biased by centuries of inequity.
Turning the Tide: Systemic Racial Inequities and the Social Determinants of Health
Abt’s Diane Paulsell and Chloe Greene discuss how data, analysis, and technical assistance can combat systemic racial inequities in this podcast.
Racial Bias, Data Science, and the Justice System
From pretrial detention to community supervision, Holly Swan and Sharmini Radakrishnan discuss how we can eliminate racial bias in the justice system.
Flu. Coronavirus. Data. Could Analytics Change the Trajectory of a Pandemic?
Be it outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic—human or zoonotic—the goal is to get reliable information on infectious diseases, quickly. Abt experts Laura Edwards and Sung-Woo Cho discuss strategies for harnessing machine learning and data visualization to provide actionable information—at scale—that can help stem a health crisis.
Closing the Opportunity Gap: Housing and Education
Income inequality. Housing affordability. Education achievement gaps. These social determinants of health can impact families over generations. How do we close the opportunity gap to ensure families have the resources and capabilities they need to thrive?
Defeating TB: Private Sector to Predictive Analytics
How do we defeat tuberculosis? With sustainable solutions. With support from the private sector. With data.
Good Governance: Key to Energy Reform
To reform the energy sector in developing countries, good governance is a must. Energy expert Dana Kenney and governance guru Tiernan Mennen discuss the challenges of—and solutions for—implementing sound environmental approaches and energy security in “the gray areas” between local and national governments.
Silo Busting: Integrating Climate Adaptation and Food Security
Climate adaptation. Agriculture. Sustainability. They’re interconnected, but often addressed independently. Abt’s Sarah Kozyn and Lorine Giangola ask what if they combined their work with clients such as Feed the Future and CEADIR to address these issues holistically.
How Can We Eradicate Infectious Diseases Using Machine Learning?
In this month’s episode, Abt experts Jill Berkowitz and Sung-Woo Cho discuss how machine learning can amplify our work combatting malaria—25 million people protected to date—by applying what we’ve learned to other infectious diseases.
How Can We Improve Housing Resilience in the Face of Climate Change?
In this month’s inaugural episode, Colleen Moore and Megan O’Grady discuss how we can address housing needs as we confront the effects of climate change.