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971 - 980 of 2735 results

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Providing Employment Services to the Long-Term Unemployed: Implementation and Sustainability of the Programs in the Ready to Work Partnership Grant Evaluation

Providing Employment Services to the Long-Term Unemployed: Implementation and Sustainability of the Programs in the Ready to Work Partnership Grant Evaluation

Abt’s implementation study of the Ready to Work Partnership Grant program found that grantees used the program’s flexibility to address varying local needs.
Understanding Rapid Re-housing: What Did We Learn?

Understanding Rapid Re-housing: What Did We Learn?

This overview of HUD’s Abt-led Understanding Rapid Re-housing Study summarizes several questions answered by the study.
illustration of diverse group of people wearing covid masks

Providing Employment Services in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Programs: Responses to COVID-19

This brief describes how seven programs that provided substance use disorder treatment, recovery services, and employment services adapted to COVID-19.
Healthcare Workforce During COVID -19

Healthcare Workforce During COVID -19: Results from an Environmental Scan

The pandemic may have made it harder for participants in the Health Profession Opportunity Grants program to find good jobs in healthcare.

Understanding Rapid Re-housing through Participants’ Experiences

This first-of-its-kind study of rapid re-housing offers insights into how the program is working for participants, and recommendations for future use.
Embedding an Equity Focus in Evaluation

Embedding an Equity Focus in Evaluation

In this brief, Abt explains how vital equity-related principles and practices are meaningfully integrated across all phases of our evaluation work.
Comparison of the Immunogenicity

Comparison of the Immunogenicity of Cell Culture-Based and Recombinant Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines to Conventional Egg-Based Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccines among Healthcare Personnel Aged 18-64 Years: A Randomized Open-Label Trial

CDC and Abt collaborated to evaluate immunogenicity of influenza vaccines among healthcare personnel in open-label trial.
Hispanic professor helping student in busy college classroom

Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement (VIDA) Three-Year Impact Report

VIDA had a positive effect on educational outcomes but had no detectable effect on earnings and few effects on employment or other economic outcomes.
I-BEST Program Three-Year Impact Report

I-BEST Program Three-Year Impact Report

I-BEST didn’t impact receipt of credentials requiring a year or more of college study or on quarterly earnings, but did improve obtaining some college credit.