981 - 990 of 2735 results
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Qualitative Study to Enhance the NYCgov Poverty Measure
This report from Abt provides qualitative context to New York City’s poverty data, describing challenges the city’s citizens face.
Associations Between Spouse and Service Member Prescriptions for High-Risk and Long-Term Opioids: A Dyadic Study
Instituto del Progreso Latino’s Carreras en Salud Program: Three-Year Impact Report
The three-year impact study of Carreras en Salud found positive impacts on educational attainment but no detectable impacts on employment or earnings.
Des Moines Area Community College’s Workforce Training Academy Connect Program Three-year Impact Report
The study of WTA Connect found an impact on exam-based credentials and confidence in career knowledge, but no detectable impacts on employment, earnings, or family economic well-being.
Public Health Benefits per kWh of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the United States: A Technical Report
These values help state and local policymakers estimate the monetized public health benefits of investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE/RE).
PROMIS Global Health: Feasibility in Home Health
A study from Abt and CMS finds NIH’s PROMIS® Global Health survey effectively captures home health patients’ self-reporting regarding perceived overall health.
An Update on the Distribution, Bionomics, and Insecticide Susceptibility of Anopheles Stephensi in Ethiopia, 2018–2020
Vector control policies will be improved thank to this study’s data on everything from the distribution to the insecticide susceptibility of An. stephensi.
Responding to the Challenges of 2020: JPMorgan Chase’s AdvancingCities and PRO Neighborhoods Grantees Adjust
These briefs from Abt describe how grantees of JP Morgan Chase’s PRO Neighborhoods and AdvancingCities responded to COVID-19 and systemic racism in 2020.
Evaluation of Bridges to Career Opportunities: Final Report
Abt evaluated LISC’s BCO program and found participants were 19 percentage points more likely to have a “job improvement.”
Compendium of Innovative Practices: Adult Education Bridge Programs and Integrated Education and Training (IET) Programs