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Latin America & Carribean

Honduras Latin America and the Caribbean


Expanding Our Impact

Honduras has suffered various natural disaster and disease outbreaks that have weakened the country’s health systems. Abt’s work provides the necessary resources for climate adaptation and preparedness for future global health security threats. Through the Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Project, Abt is working in Honduras to enhance social health protection mechanisms that ‎increase access to high-quality health services ‎for migrant women. Abt also helped train commercial banks in Honduras to expand access to low-emission development strategies (LEDS) financing. We implemented USAID’s Zika AIRS Project (ZAP) and provided entomological monitoring and evaluation to reduce the spread of the Zika virus.

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USAID Catalytic Action through Localized Policy Solutions (CATALYST)

USAID Catalytic Action through Localized Policy Solutions (CATALYST)

USAID CATALYST is a global program that helps countries build policy and institutional frameworks that enable greater investment in sustainability and resilience across sectors.

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