Expanding Our Impact
Since 1999, Abt Global’s health programming has led to sustainable, lasting impact in Jordan. Our work has resulted in a solid foundation for health improvements through health system and primary health care (PHC) strengthening efforts and has supported the country’s ability to prevent, detect, and respond to health threats. Our projects upgrade health facilities, build health management information systems, save lives through low-cost technology, engage communities, and shift authority to them through social and behavior change communication (SBCC), advocacy, and policy initiatives. Our work accrediting public health laboratories strengthened Jordan’s lab networks, ensuring better preparedness for health emergencies. Abt has also continuously focused on building management capacity and fostering community linkages to improve overall efficiency and effectiveness of health services.
Abt has a long history in Jordan. On the Abt-led USAID Jordan Primary Health Care initiatives (1999-2005), USAID Jordan Health Systems Strengthening (2005-2010), and USAID Jordan Health Systems Strengthening II (2009-2014), we supported the establishment of community health committees, institutionalized quality improvements at all levels, improved PHC performance, and established clinic-to-community linkages. As part of the USAID Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector project (2010-2015), Abt boosted the family-planning (FP) services role of non-governmental organizations, especially the Jordan Association of Family Planning and Protection, which expanded and improved its clinics; introduced and promoted new FP methods; and strengthened management, governance, financial, and administrative systems to increase the prospects for sustainability.
The Abt-led USAID Jordan Communication, Advocacy, and Policy Activity (2014-2019) helped the Government of Jordan (GOJ) and local institutions build technical and leadership capacity that could support national SBCC programming. The Abt-led USAID Health Service Delivery (2016-2021) fostered an effective GOJ COVID-19 response. Abt worked with Jordan’s Ministry of Health (MOH) to co-develop clinical guidance and protocols for COVID-19 case management to train over 2,000 health care providers in 129 facilities by the end of September 2020. Additionally, after conducting COVID-19 readiness assessments in 16 hospitals, Abt helped facilities develop response action plans to mitigate gaps. Finally, Abt worked with the MOH to expand digital health solutions, including the COVID-19 Training Database, the Hospital Assessment and Preparedness Information System, and the enhanced Health Map Mobile application. The result: Jordan has had fewer COVID-19 deaths than Switzerland, despite Jordan’s 29 percent larger population.
USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project
The Abt-led USAID Local Health System Sustainability (LHSS) Project in Jordan supports the GOJ’s efforts to institutionalize a mandatory continuing professional development system to improve health care professionals’ competencies to deliver quality health services. The institutionalization of the Adult Critical Care Fellowship resulted in over 33 trained healthcare professionals and led to a measurable reduction in intensive care unit mortality rates and improved patient outcomes. LHSS also supported Jordan’s Laboratories Directorate, resulting in the accreditation of the central public health laboratory and central medical laboratory and improved laboratory services to 6.6 million Jordanians. In the wake of COVID-19, USAID LHSS also assists the government’s COVID-19 preparedness and response efforts. That work has a cascade effect, leaving the overall health system stronger and better prepared to address future health emergencies.
To learn more about LHSS work in Jordan, visit: Jordan | Local Health System Sustainability Project