Expanding Our Impact
Years of stability, strong governance and sound fiscal management have improved health systems and outcomes in Botswana. As donor aid is decreasing, the government has committed to take on a higher share of the funding for HIV/AIDS activities, and Abt provided technical assistance to support the development of policies to achieve this goal. We helped the government:
- Develop a comprehensive health financing strategy.
- Implement and institutionalize a health accounts exercise.
- Conduct an actuarial analysis to determine how to effectively finance a sustainable universal health services package.
The work from these activities will inform the development of a national health insurance blueprint.
In December 2020, SHOPS Plus conducted a masterclass for Ministry of Health and Wellness officials in public-private contracting for essential health services, including clinical HIV services. The sessions addressed how to set up and manage public-private contracts that expand access to HIV and other priority health services in the private sector, align with overall Ministry Health system objectives, and complement public sector service provision and respond to evolving priorities, such as the COVID-19 response. Those who took part increased their understanding of how to establish and oversee public-private contracts to support improved health outcomes.