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mozambique country quote nov 2023

Abt supports the Government of Mozambique to strengthen its response to the HIV epidemic that affects 12.5% of its adult population. In FY23, the Abt-led Efficiencies for Clinical HIV Outcomes (ECHO) project tested 1,525,545 people for HIV and enrolled thousands into life-saving treatment.
Deborah Hutchison
Deborah Hutchison
Vice President, Global Development, U.S. Government International Program Delivery

Building Strong Communities

Already weakened by a 15-year civil war that ended in 1992, Mozambique was especially hard-hit by the HIV and AIDS epidemic. Today, approximately 12.5 percent of the country’s population has HIV.

Abt continues to build on our fruitful legacy in Mozambique by teaming with local health facilities and organizations to greatly expand the number of people receiving and maintaining HIV treatment. We also are collaborating with national and health offices to protect Mozambicans from malaria and increase their adoption of modern contraceptives. We have assessed the effectiveness of school feeding programs in rural areas, partnered with rural cooperatives to introduce agricultural technologies and market linkages for high-value crops, and analyzed storm-protection options for coastal residents.

The number of new patients placed on life-saving HIV treatment—thanks in part to Abt’s capacity building.