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Abt Global Recognized for Leadership in Emissions Reductions

Rockville, Md. –  Abt Global is thrilled to receive the 2024 Climate Leadership Award in the Organizational Leadership category. Organized by The Climate Registry, the Climate Leadership Awards recognize organizations that have demonstrated exemplary leadership in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and addressing climate change across their operations and strategies.

Specifically, the Organizational Leadership category identifies organizations that achieved significant GHG reductions across Scope 1 and Scope 2 categories (emissions from sources such as natural gas and purchased electricity) between Jan 1, 2020, and December 31, 2023, and outcomes from driving climate action in partnership with diverse internal and external stakeholders.

The eligibility process required that Abt have a comprehensive GHG inventory and aggressive near-term and net-zero emissions reduction targets; undergo a regular audit process; have our GHG data externally verified for the most recent reporting year (2022); demonstrate innovative operational strategies to address climate change; integrate climate activities with equity considerations; and much more.

“Since our founding nearly 60 years ago, Abt Global has taken environmental stewardship and addressing the climate crisis seriously—caring as much about how we operate as an organization as the difference our work makes for communities and clients worldwide,” Kathleen Flanagan, Abt Global President and CEO. “We are honored to be recognized as organizational leaders by The Climate Registry, underscoring Abt’s longstanding commitment to implement responsible business practices and transparent and equity-focused climate action across our value chain.”

According to The Climate Registry, this year's awardees represent a wide array of sectors, including engineering, local government, financial services, and public utility. Sixteen awards were presented to six organizations, five partnerships, and five individuals in the organization’s annual Climate Leadership Awards on May 22, 2024, in Cleveland.

About Abt Global 
Formed in 1965 by Clark Abt, Abt Global is a consulting and research firm that combines data and bold thinking to improve the quality of people's lives, worldwide. We partner with clients and communities to advance equity and innovation—from creating scalable digital solutions and combatting infectious disease, to mitigating climate change and evaluating programs for measurable social impact—and more.

Contact: Eric Tischler 
(301) 347-5492

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