Evelyne Alyko is a medical doctor, public health specialist, and entomologist with 21 years of experience in public health program management. She specializes in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of malaria prevention and control projects. She has led or provided technical assistance for donor-funded vector control programs in seven countries and served in Benin’s National Malaria Control Program (NMCP). Alyko also has experience working with global organizations such as the Global Fund and the World Bank.
Alyko is currently the chief of party (COP) of the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative Evolving Vector Control to Fight Malaria (PMI Evolve) project in Guinea. She leads the project’s entomology activities, including the provision of technical assistance to the National Malaria Control Program. Her technical assistance supports the project’s efforts in monitoring malaria vector bionomics and insecticide resistance. Guinea uses the data collected to decide on the most appropriate malaria vector control interventions. Alyko’s team has successfully trained 19 Ministry of Health and Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry staff on malaria entomology, a capacity strengthening effort that is advancing Guinea’s ability to conduct quality entomological monitoring. The research provides data for vector control decision-making, helping the country attain its national malaria targets.
Prior to her role as COP for PMI Evolve, Alyko held the same position for the PMI VectorLink Project in Guinea. Before that, she served as the COP for PMI VectorLink Sierra Leone for nearly four years, where she oversaw the first district-wide indoor residual spraying (IRS) campaign.
Before PMI VectorLink, Alyko held several positions on the Abt-led PMI Africa IRS (AIRS) Project. She was a senior analyst in Zambia for three years, where she planned, monitored, and supervised all entomological surveillance activities. In Benin, she was the country technical manager, responsible for monitoring entomological surveillance and advising the NMCP and other stakeholders on vector control. She also coordinated all information, education, and communication/behavior change communication activities.
Before joining Abt, Alyko served in Benin’s NMCP for nine years, first as a departmental coordinator in the southern region and then rising to the position of national vector control coordinator. In that position, she managed activities with donors including the Global Fund, the World Bank, and PMI.
- Leadership
- Entomology
- Vector control
- Malaria case management
- Public health
- Capacity building and strengthening
Key Projects:
- PMI Evolve Project
- PMI VectorLink Project
- Oxborough, R. M., Seyoum, A., Yihdego, Y., Chabi, J., Wat’senga, F., Agossa, F. R., Coleman, S., Musa, S. L., Faye, O., Okia, M., Bayoh, M., Alyko, E., et al. (2021). Determination of the discriminating concentration of chlorfenapyr (pyrrole) and Anopheles gambiae sensu lato susceptibility testing in preparation of distribution of Interceptor® G2 insecticide-treated nets. Malaria Journal. 20:316
- Alyko, E., Smith, S., Yihdego, Y., Levine R., Carlson, J., Mansaray, S., Schnabel, D., Jose, R., Yamba, F., and Mokeuena, M. (2019). Susceptibility of Anopheles gambiae s.l. to insecticides in Sierra Leone. Abstract presented at the meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
- Alyko, E., Mumba, P., Chirwa, B., Nielsen, C. F., Sinyangwe, C., Chizema, E., Ngulube, W., De Gier, L. M., Nasilele, S., Seyoum, A., Brogdon, B. and Norris, L. (2018). Impact of Indoor Residual Spraying with Pirimiphos-Methyl CS on the Human Biting Rate and Entomological Inoculation Rate of An. funestus s.s. in Zambia during the 2015 spray season. Abstract presented at the 7th MIM Pan African Malaria Conference.
- Fiekowsky, E., Johns, B., Alyko, E., Sodjinou, J., Belemvire, A., George, K., and Fornadeli, C. (2014). Assessing the Association between Indoor Residual Spraying and Recorded Malaria Cases in Benin’s Health Management Information System. Abstract presented at the meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
- Georgia Barikissou Damien, Armel Djènontin, Evelyne Chaffa, Sandra Yamadjako, Papa Makhtar Drame, Emmanuel Elanga Ndille, Marie‑Claire Henry, Vincent Corbel, Franck Remoué , Christophe Rogier (2016). Effectiveness of insecticidal nets on uncomplicated clinical malaria: a case–control study for operational evaluation, Malaria Journal 15:102