Dr. Jenna Jadin is an ecologist with 15 years of experience in climate adaptation, mitigation, and land rehabilitation in the agriculture and forestry sectors. She has worked with both national and local governments, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and United Nations (UN) system organizations in the U.S., Indonesia, Afghanistan, Thailand, Cambodia, Montenegro, Djibouti, Azerbaijan, and most recently Ukraine. With these institutions, she has provided technical advice, capacity building, curriculum development, and hands-on implementation support. She has also led and supported project management and design for the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), the Mitigation Action Facility (MAF) and bilateral donors and has led fundraising and strategic science-focused communications for NGOs and the UN.
Dr. Jadin leads Abt’s portfolio expansion in climate-smart agriculture and related land use, adaptation, and mitigation issues. This includes proposal development, technical implementation and policy advice, and growing Abt’s personnel and innovative implementation strengths in this sector. Her work aims to ensure that Abt is known as a thought and practice leader in climate-smart agriculture and food systems both domestically and in our global practice.
Some examples of Dr. Jadin’s previous work includes technically managing a USAID-funded, UNOPS-run forest fire reduction project in Indonesia, which, among other things, set up the countries first forest fire monitoring system. She led the writing of a USAID-funded project and report that focused on an affordable Google Earth-based remote sensing tool for detecting land use change and estimating GHG emissions. Dr. Jadin has also worked on numerous GEF projects, including winning GEF and private sector funding for reforestation and regenerative agriculture projects in wartime Ukraine.
- Climate change adaptation,
- Regenerative agriculture,
- Land rehabilitation,
- Sustainable forestry,
- Environmental communication
Key Projects
- The Green Climate Fund Sustainable Landscapes in Papua New Guinea
- The Global Methane Initiative, Environmental Protection Agency
- USAID Comprehensive Action for Climate Change Initiative (CACCI)
- Jadin, Jenna, et al. 2020. Commodity-driven forest loss in Southeast Asia. USAID, Bangkok, 196pp.
- Jadin, Jenna. FAO. 2018. 15 Years in Afghanistan: A Special Report 2003-2018. Rome. 126pp. http://www.fao.org/3/CA14336EN/ca1433en.pdf
- Jadin, Jenna, et al. 2014. Ch. 14 : Rural Communities. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, U.S. Global Change Research Program, 333-349.
- Jadin, Jenna, et al. 2013. Global Climate Change, Food Security and the US Food System. USDA, Washington DC.
- Professional Certification, Permaculture Pro
- Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- B.S. Molecular Biology (minor Women’s Studies)