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Sub-National Governance & Decentralization ​

Sub-National Governance & Decentralization ​

As countries decentralize their systems and service delivery, Abt Global has a fruitful legacy of partnering with sub-national governments and communities to strengthen transparency, citizen engagement, and local governance. Our experts build capacity and responsiveness at all levels to support the political, administrative, and economic processes of decentralized government. We support the building of bridges between civil society and government for a collaborative model of governance. Abt’s insights support evidence-informed policymaking that responds to challenges in health, environment, and economic development.


  • Locally Led Planning and Budgeting Processes
  • Citizen Engagement, Transparency, and Accountability
  • Disability
  • Enabling Environment for Private Sector Investment

Clients Include

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

U.S. Agency for International Development

U.S. Agency for International Development

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Our Experts

Anna Winoto
Anna Winoto

Governance Adviser and Indonesia Country Representative

Graham Teskey
Graham Teskey

Principal Global Lead of Governance Practice, Abt Australia

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Supporting Decentralisation and Participation in PNG – Briefing Note 1

The Decentralisation and Citizen Participation Partnership (DCPP) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a complex program working in a complex context, one in which the relationship between cause and effect is hard to predict. The program must take into acount the contested political environment in which it operates and the Government reform and aid efforts that came before it. These two factors – outlined in this brief – have shaped the evolving approach of the program: what it works on and how it works.Today, defining features of DCPP include:An emphasis on an integrated, multilevel approach to governance support.Locally defined solutions that suit the district or provincial circumstance.Best fit not best practice.A need to adapt to short and long-term changes in the political context of the decentralisation policy arena.An emphasis on state-citizen relationships.A focus on self-reflection and learning.

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