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Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience


  • Emerging economies lack capacity and capital to strengthen & modernize their energy infrastructure.
  • Abt delivered tools, analyses, and financial facilitation in 32 countries to meet specific needs.
  • This project mobilized $24 million in investments and 10 public-private partnerships for disaster risk reduction.


Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR)

The Challenge

Climate change response means mitigating greenhouse gas emissions to limit temperature increases, and adopting strategies to adapt to climate change’s unavoidable consequences.  Private and public investment are needed to develop, deploy, and scale up solutions to achieve these goals—but they face barriers, such as high risks or competing needs. USAID enlisted Abt to make the economic and business case for climate change investments with investors and communities via the Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR) activity.

The Approach

As the technical lead of a consortium implementing CEADIR, Abt helped lenders, communities, governments, and other private and public stakeholders to take the following actions within four pillars:

  • Clean Energy: prioritize and finance renewable-energy and energy-efficiency opportunities
  • Adaptation: assess, invest in, and monitor climate-resilient actions
  • Sustainable Landscapes: assess and quantify synergies and tradeoffs between different land uses and climate change goals
  • Climate Finance: mobilize, leverage, and de-risk climate investments

The Results

CEADIR developed new tools and methods to implement clean energy, sustainable landscapes, and adaptation, including survey instruments for quantifying the economic value of mangroves, climate-smart cacao practices, and livestock management improvements. CEADIR helped accelerate private sector investments for climate change mitigation in agriculture, forestry, and land use in South and Southeast Asia—including in Vietnam—by analyzing Nationally Determined Contributions and other national and sectoral plans and priorities for climate change mitigation and opportunities for private investment and by convening private sector and government leaders to develop country-specific recommendations.


CEADIR’s technical assistance to 89 financial institutions led to 1,467 on- or off-grid power connections and $6.7 million in loans in Ghana and Rwanda for 6.84 megawatts of renewable energy. CEADIR mobilized $17.7 million in clean energy lending in Latin America, including a $10.8 million loan guarantee through USAID’s Development Credit Authority in El Salvador and Guatemala. CEADIR also developed 10 public-private partnerships for urban disaster risk reduction in India.