- Good governance is critical to Mexico’s long-term competitiveness
- The Mexico Competitiveness Program (MCP) strengthens the competitiveness of enterprises
- Abt has designed systems and programs to support MCP
The Challenge
Good governance is critical to Mexico’s long-term competitiveness. Improved competitiveness, in turn, is the key to rational and efficient use of the country’s natural-resource base. This is particularly important for rural producers who live in environmentally vulnerable areas.
The Approach
The Mexico Competitiveness Program (MCP) strengthens the competitiveness of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (including rural producers). Abt helps the MCP achieve its four integrated objectives: 1) build sustainable environmental governance and management, 2) increase private-sector competitiveness, 3) increasing access to microfinance market and 4) increase investment in and the use of clean energy.
The Results
Abt has:
- Designed an electronic system to monitor and report on federal government progress to reduce greenhouse gas emissions—the first system of its kind in the developing world
- Helped establish an environmental management system in Mexico City
- Implemented a pilot to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation in the Ocote Jungle Reserve
- Formed and operated the Mexican Network on Competition and Regulation, which influences policymakers and raises awareness about competition’s importance