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ukraine country quote - june 2024

To win the war and thrive afterwards, this country needs a strong economy, resilient energy resources, and a healthy workforce. We share a passionate commitment to Ukraine’s freedom and equitable prosperity.
Nadiia Zaritska, Ph.D.
Nadiia Zaritska
Team Leader, Abt Global Ukraine

Expanding Our Impact

Amid war in Ukraine, Abt implements projects for the UK’s Good Governance Fund (GGF), working with several Ukrainian Ministries to adapt and update policies and strategies crucial to the country’s economic recovery, including in transport, energy, and regional development. Through GGF, we directly aided over 50 small- and medium-sized Ukrainian enterprises and led research on the needs of Ukrainian female entrepreneurs during wartime. Through USAID, we partner with the GOU to develop the national telemedicine system, while facilitating telemedicine solutions at 415 Ukrainian facilities that have so far delivered more than 15,000 online consultations, including for blast injuries and burns.

Abt has led donor development programs in Ukraine for three decades, working through the Orange Revolution and Revolution of Dignity and laying vital groundwork for Ukraine’s accession to the EU. We supported the Ukrainian government to develop strategic health purchasing functions, advance agricultural policy, and implement a new children’s vaccination program.

Small- and medium-sized Ukrainian enterprises given mentoring and business guidance amid wartime conditions