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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Development and Application of a Workforce Planning Model in Egypt

Workforce Planning Model with the objectives to 

Results of Brokering Regional Public-private Partnerships--More Than …

The Fourth Sector Health Project focusses on Latin America and the Caribbean, leveraging resources …

Strengthening Health Systems Through Research, Education, and Action

Research on all major topics of Health Systems, with a disciplinary focus on Political Economy.

Strengthening Health Systems: Moving Beyond Supporting the Health …

 Strengthening health systems goes beyond supporting the system. Supporting focuses on filling gaps …

Health Systems Strengthening Programs/Approachs: Experience from …

There is no clear and common understanding of what HSS is. USAID evaluates and determines …

Monitoring Salt and Iodine Intakes is a Critical Issue to Adjust Salt …

Reducing salt intake is also going to favor the safe prevention of iodine deficiency by …

Building Provincial Government Staff Capacity to Design and Implement …

USAID’s Avian and Pandemic Influenza Initiative aims to improve the Government of Vietnam’s (GVN) …

Building the Capacity of the Animal Health System in Quang Tri …

The USAID Avian and Pandemic Influenza Initiative aims to strengthen the capacity of the Government …

What Happens to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties after 15 …

How many properties leave the LIHTC program after reaching year 15? What types of properties leave?

Making Subsidized Rental Housing a Platform for Improved Health for …

Subsidized rental housing makes it possible for low-income people to live in housing that they would …

Using Willingness to Pay Data to Inform the Design of Health Insurance …

The purpose of the study was to understand: Clients’ interest in health insurance and willingness to …