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Our projects are game changers. They answer difficult questions and apply new technologies and rigorous technical solutions to programs that improve lives around the globe. A look at our projects offers insight into how we’re continuously asking “What if?” We discover new ways to help people move from vulnerability to security—through good health, a thriving natural environment, economic stability, effective governance and social equity.


Strengthening Tanzania’s Health Supply Chain

Despite tremendous economic growth, many Tanzanians remain underserved by public services and lack …

Feed the Future Egypt Rural Agribusiness Strengthening P …

Growing demand for fresh and processed fruits and vegetables has enabled Egypt to solidify its …

Transform: Primary Health Care Project

Achieving the Ethiopian Ministry of Health’s ambitious targets to reduce maternal, neonatal, and …

Mortgage Journeys: Identifying New Homebuyer Challenges

Fannie Mae had conducted extensive research with various groups of consumers (e.g., renters, young …

USAID Health Financing Improvement Program

Ethiopia has made much progress in the design and implementation of health care financing (HCF) …

Drinking Water Treatability Database Update Tackles PFAS …

EPA’s Office of Research and Development needed to expand its online, publicly available Drinking …

Promoting Children’s Savings Accounts

Employment rates and earnings rise sharply for those with a post-secondary education. However, the …

Through KOMPAK, Abt Empowers Women in Indonesia

KOMPAK is a partnership between the governments of Indonesia and Australia. Operating across 26 …

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Study Finds Benefits

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) wanted to determine if teen pregnancy prevention …

Evaluating a Permanent Supportive Housing Pay for Succes …

Despite growing evidence of the effectiveness of permanent supportive housing, local governments …

Abt Leads USAID’s Integrated Health Program in the DRC

Despite progress in health indicators, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) remains among the …

Abt to Help Massachusetts Extract, Review and Analyze Op …

Identifying opioid overdose events in administrative records is not always straightforward. Not all …