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Data without context are just numbers. Context without data lacks rigor. Combine data and context, and you get insight—which is what we need to take calculated risks, connect dots and ultimately solve the world’s toughest challenges.


Quality Improvement: A Health System Strengthening Prior …

Malaria. Ebola. Maternal and child morbidity and mortality. Malnutrition. Tuberculosis. Reproductive …

Empowering Women as Change Agents in the Green Economy

The world is facing growing environmental pressure, with the effects of climate change intensifying …

Reduced Serologic Sensitivity to Influenza A Virus Illness Among …

This article examines data collected as part of a study to assess the effectiveness of influenza …

Responding to COVID-19: U.S., International, and What’s …

Abt health experts Ann Loeffler and Bob Fryatt discuss the COVID-19 response, including what’s …

The Worry of Governance: Coronavirus and Emergency Polit …

Graham Teskey
Graham Teskey
Principal Global Lead of Governance Practice, Abt Global

Geographical distribution of Anopheles stephensi in eastern Ethiopia

The recent detection of the South Asian malaria vector Anopheles stephensi in Ethiopia and other …

Intensity of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae before and …

Abt monitored the resistance of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) to permethrin and deltamethrin …

Coronavirus: The End of Sexist Economics?

Gender-responsive coronavirus policies are not only smart economics, but provide opportunities to do …

Education in a Pandemic: Five Messages That Australia’s …

Reiko Take Program Manager, Abt Australia
Reiko Take
Program Manager, Abt Australia